Victoria Knight

Author's posts

Trump’s Wrong. 15% ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Not on Par With Strength of a Vaccine

Experts agree that more than 70% of a population needs to be inoculated to reach “herd immunity.”

Going Home for the Holidays? For Many Americans, That’s a Risky Decision

Public health officials have urged Americans to hunker down, but people are still planning trips and contemplating ways to mitigate the risk of catching or spreading the coronavirus.

Fear of Flying Is a COVID-Era Conundrum

As coronavirus cases take off across the U.S., airlines promote holiday deals and encourage travel. But are flyers throwing caution to the wind?

‘It’s Science, Stupid’: A School Subject Emerges as a Hot-Button Political Issue

Science is becoming increasingly politicized, so how will it fare on the campaign trail — in 2020 and beyond?

A $10,000 Obamacare Penalty? Doubtful.

Experts said a penalty of $10,000 in one year would have been extremely unlikely.

Did Trump Confuse the Public Option With ‘Medicare for All’?

President Donald Trump was off the mark when he said Vice President Joe Biden’s health plan — which includes a public options — will terminate the private insurance of 180 million people.

Trump Says He Saved 2 Million Lives From COVID. Really?

The number is taken from a hypothetical modeling scenario that doesn’t offer a realistic comparison.

No, the WHO Didn’t Change Its Lockdown Stance or ‘Admit’ Trump Was Right

The World Health Organization has been consistent throughout the pandemic in communicating that lockdowns should be employed only when COVID-19 cases are high — to give governments and health systems time to redouble efforts. Forced closures should not be the primary strategy to combat coronavirus transmission.

Pence Said Biden Copied Trump’s Pandemic Response Plan. Pants on Fire!

The vice president went on to point out the underlying philosophical differences between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden regarding their approaches to COVID-19.