<span itemprop="author">Wendy Hind, PhD, JD

Author's posts

How narrative medicine heals and why we need more of it

Over 20 years ago, physician and healer, Rita Charon, Columbia University, pioneered a renaissance of physician empathy and listening through what she termed “narrative medicine.” Charon writes, “The effective practice of medicine req…

Thank you pediatric medical professionals, as we fondly bid you adieu

As the mother of a child born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, besides going through four open-heart surgeries and coding, my son has also had eight abdominal surgeries, including a Ladd’s procedure and resection of his colon.  William also functi…

Power at the top of health care in America

We have lost over 223,000 American lives due to COVID-19.  The pandemic response has been an atrocious mish-mash of information, disjointed policy directives, and abysmal national leadership. There are only two women out of the 27 members of the White …