Category: Big Data

Top 10 COVID-19 Tech Trends

The top 10 tech trends emerging from the current global pandemic and the startups creating these new markets and products.

Creating Planet Data To Fight Covid-19 And Future Healthcare Emergencies

Will creating a global healthcare data infrastructure help fight Covid-19 and the next pandemic?

Post-Covid Travel: Here’s One Way To Ensure We Soon Return To The Skies

Will Pangea new Covid-19 smart card boost air travel by facilitating safe and secure entry into airport terminals and airplanes?

Forbes Under 30 Leaders Create Retail Site For Cheap And Safe Protective Gear As America Reopens

Though members of the Forbes Under 30 community won’t be able to physically convene in Detroit this year, they will gather remotely this year for Forbes’ first-ever virtual hackathon.

OurCrowd To Raise $100 Million For Pandemic Innovation Fund Investing In Y-Shaped Recovery

OurCrowd announced today it plans to raise $100 million for its new Pandemic Innovation Fund

NHS Contact-Tracing App Will Cause ‘Flood’ Of Phishing Attacks, Experts Warn

The NHS’ contact-tracing app will cause a spike in phishing attacks in the UK, cybersecurity experts have warned today.

Unacast Grades The ‘States’ Of Social Distancing With COVID-19 Report Card

As Coronavirus social distancing continues amid the first halting steps toward reopening society, there’s a debate simmering on what the reaction should be to someone who flaunts the CDC’s “six feet apart” guidelines or outright rejects ant concept of …

Building A World Class Genetics Center Based On Data Scalability

How Regeneron is using Databricks to Build a Genetics Center at Scale.

Why Empowering Employees To Make Decisions Is More Important Than Ever

New research by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, sponsored by ThoughtSpot, reveals that companies that give employees the freedom and tools to make data-driven decisions outperform those that don’t. Here we dive into the details and explore w…

Coronavirus Contact-Tracing Apps Miss The Point About Privacy

Coronavirus contact-tracing apps dangerously normalise the idea of walking around with our phones constantly and of having our behaviour directed at scale by apps.