Category: Conditions

The high achiever and the motivated drinker

I would like to say that this is a story much like the tortoise and the hare, only it isn’t. There is only one character in this story, the hare. The High Achiever and The Motivated Drinker are the same character and are driven by the same human …

A PSA from a neurologist to the medical community

Have you ever been to a new city and realized you’d been pronouncing a street or a town name all wrong? Have you ever been from one of those cities and has it broken your heart to hear someone call Copley Square Cope-ly? Or pronounce the Schuylki…

Is it OK to leave your partner in light of a serious emotional issue?

So, your guy or gal is struggling with a serious emotional issue. Is that a basis for bailing? Let’s get personal here; if you’ve got one foot out the door, you’re probably asking the wrong guy. One of my key values is loyalty. But be…

7 causes of low back pain

The New Year is a typical time for resolutions, and one of the most common ones is to get healthier. For many of us, a common stumbling block is dealing with low back pain. As a rehabilitation medicine physician, my focus is nonoperative spine care wit…

The COVID vaccine is a life raft. I’m not your life raft to get out of it.

It began with a seemingly innocuous text from a friend of the family. “Hi, Richard. I hope you’re well. I need to speak with you. Can I call you?” The last time we spoke was at my brother’s long-postponed “celebration of l…

Attack COVID like the terrorist it is

More than 1,100 in the U.S. are still dying every day from COVID-19. Every three days, we are losing more Americans than the number that died on 9/11. Just because we don’t see it sneaking up on our families does not mean the COVID terrorist is d…

Sustaining mental health during the holidays and starting strong in 2022

The holiday season was notorious for causing loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and a sense of loss even before adding the COVID-19 pandemic to the mix. The pandemic has only served to magnify many of these feelings, as gatherings with loved ones are postpo…

Tobacco is a painful addiction

Smoking cigarettes is well known to cause heart disease, lung cancer, and premature death. In the face of these risks of death, quality of life issues that affect smokers are often overlooked. Although some quality of life issues such as cost, cravings…

10 things this nurse is f-ing tired of saying

Musings of a primary care triage nurse: 1. “Isolation means you aren’t around others. No, you shouldn’t be eating dinner with your family or watching TV with them.” 2. “You’ve been sick for the past week but didn&#82…

Is life more than breathing and a heartbeat?

A few months back, I read about a two-year-old child with a terminal cardiac condition who has spent her life in a hospital bed attached to multiple devices that maintained her survival. At the staff’s request, the institution’s ethics comm…