Category: Conditions

The trouble with resiliency: It’s time to get to the root causes of health care worker burnout

Over the last several years, there has been an increasing recognition that burnout is rising exponentially among health care workers – and there has been a positive shift in the public understanding of burnout and other mental health issues in general….

Diabetes impacts the whole body, but the foot can’t be forgotten

Diabetes is a complex yet common disease that impacts over 34 million Americans. Blood glucose is just the tip of the iceberg; related complications include neuropathy, eye disease, ketoacidosis, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and more. In fact…

A milligram of understanding for anti-vaxxers

When the COVID pandemic first reared its ugly head in 2020, I was mentally prepared (as much as any of us could be) for the patient care wave that was coming our way. What I was not prepared for was the mass of anti-science and anti-intellectual pushba…

Think eating disorders don’t happen to Black people? Think again.

I remember receiving the email, “Eating Disorder Panel Q & A.” My physician colleague had become very experienced at caring for eating disorder patients. She understood the importance of this work and how misinformed much of the health …

Is Omicron a sheep in wolf’s clothing?

Make no mistake, the newest variant in the COVID-19 family is far more contagious than any of the others. Will it cause a drastic surge in the pandemic? Or could it have a mitigating influence? First identified in South Africa on November 11, Omicron q…

Viral upper respiratory infections in the age of COVID

Your toddler has had a cough and runny, stuffy nose on and off for months. They also attend daycare and have a sibling in preschool. You are worried about the symptoms. You are also exhausted because your child’s coughing and congestion is not le…

3 ways to reawaken nurse purpose in the era of burnout

In September, the American Nurses Association asked the Department of Health and Human Services to declare the national nursing shortage as a national crisis. At the same time, the American Association of Critical Care Nurses found 66 percent of ICU nu…

Tired of the dying: Finding parallels in COVID-19 and HIV

Recently, while visiting with a colleague in our doctor’s lounge, I blurted out, “I’m tired of the dying.” He looked at me quizzically, “But you’re the hospice doctor.” True, death comes with my work, but the recent volume of and the loss of younger pa…

Wear your mask to protect your family

Below is a story a patient shared with me about how he went from being against mask-wearing to wearing one every day. *** Last year, my mom died from stage 4 lung cancer. Before she passed, she received her transplant at this hospital, but it was too l…

Endemic COVID-19 will be a cause for celebration

There was a time, not long ago, when COVID-19 was one of the scariest things on earth. In the summer of 2020, scientists were stunned as infections climbed and deaths spiked. They couldn’t say (exactly) how the virus spread, how deadly it was or how to…