Category: Conditions

The American public deserves more COVID-19 vaccine options

Covaxin, an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and the only vaccine to have been proven effective against all variants including the Delta variant in a Phase III clinical study, deserves to be tested in clinical trials in the U.S. for potential CDC/FDA app…

The catastrophe of men’s health and how we can help

A hundred years ago, women lived one year longer than men, but now they live five years longer than men. And things are getting worse. Currently, the lifespan of men in the U.S. is declining due to alcohol, opioids, and suicide. These trends need to ch…

Keeping a cancer diagnosis silent

It is a seasonally cold fall evening in Long Island, NY, and I am standing in a field in the middle of what should be a darkened park. Still, I am truly amazed by how bright it is lit up by lanterns with different colors demarcating patients, families,…

Navigating infertility as a Black male family physician

Black men need to be comfortable saying that we can be scared sometimes, and to share our emotions without guilt or shame. I say this as a Black man who has experienced vulnerability both as a family physician and as a patient.  Over the last year, I’v…

To be, or not to be, vulnerable in a relationship

The word vulnerable is derived from the Latin, “vulnerare,” to wound. Vulnerable literally means “able to be wounded.” In common usage, we refer to being vulnerable when we’re feeling weak, fragile, and emotionally worn do…

There is no quick fix for kids’ cold and flu symptoms but there are things you can do

Colder weather is upon us again – and so is cold and flu season. Nearly two years into the fight against COVID-19, we welcome children returning to schools, daycare, and sports. But with the loosening of restrictions and increased social contacts, we a…

If you’re a nurse or an abuse survivor, you don’t have to be brave

For decades, I was constantly told how brave I was and wore “brave” like a scarlet letter on my chest. Brave for choosing to raise my children alone. Brave for becoming a nurse practitioner. Brave for going public with my story of child sexual abuse an…

Testing gravity during Ladder Season

The transition from pumpkin spice to gingerbread lattes may conjure warm, cozy holiday feelings for some, but for those of us who treat trauma patients, it signals the beginning of Ladder Season. There is something in the crisp late Autumn air that is …

To my patient who is going to lose her hair from chemotherapy

I understand that the biggest fear you have about going through chemotherapy is losing your hair. I just want to tell you. You will be fine. Trust me. I know it’s barbaric. Why don’t we have medicines to treat cancer that will not make you lose your ha…

Cancer provided an unexpected silver lining

When I first met her, I perceived she was nervous. I could sense the doctor skepticism. She simply had a negative aura about her. An Eeyore, if you will. A “no” person. A drag. To my absolute non-surprise, she declined all screenings that a…