Category: Conditions

Restoring the heroes in the aftermath of the pandemic

You stand up from your desk, take a deep breath, and get to work. It’s business as usual. There are exams to perform, test results to review, referrals to be made, and patients to console. A patient’s son is on the phone, concerned about his mom’s upco…

Restoring the heroes in the aftermath of the pandemic

You stand up from your desk, take a deep breath, and get to work. It’s business as usual. There are exams to perform, test results to review, referrals to be made, and patients to console. A patient’s son is on the phone, concerned about his mom’s upco…

Breastfeeding is not the end all be all

“Thank you. You’re the first to say it’s OK for me not to breastfeed.” These words have been said to me before by tearful, exhausted mothers. It had been sporadic, but now, it feels like I hear this every day in the clinic. Each time, I feel a rush of …

How mindset influences our ability to be a good dad and doctor

As a pediatrician, many friends, family, and even patients would frequently discuss how great of a dad I must be since I “knew everything about kids.”  Little did they know that residency only taught me how to intubate my child; I never learned how to …

Will U.S. health care match Native Americans’ treatment of chronic kidney disease?

For years, hypertension has dominated the health care field, afflicting 45 percent of all adult Americans. Another disease that has gained renown in the world of health care is diabetes, afflicting 10.5 percent of the U.S. population. Health care profe…

Moms are resilience personified

I first met her at the bedside of her newly born son Tyler. Barely hours after her caesarian section, this mother mustered enough strength to get on a wheelchair to visit her little human at the NICU. That was just the beginning of our journey together…

Moms are resilience personified

I first met her at the bedside of her newly born son Tyler. Barely hours after her caesarian section, this mother mustered enough strength to get on a wheelchair to visit her little human at the NICU. That was just the beginning of our journey together…

Mitigating risks from care during COVID-19

In evaluating delayed or missed health care that has occurred during the pandemic, it is tempting to speak of “COVID care” vs. “non-COVID care.” However, the pandemic has disrupted health care so thoroughly that in some sense, COVID-19 has affected all…

Strategies for managing post-pandemic in-person panic

So you’ve been vaccinated, and some of your close friends have been vaccinated, the weather is getting warmer, and you are beginning to feel like it might be safe to see a few folks in an outdoor, controlled setting. In-person. For the first time…

Raising the awareness of celiac disease in the medical community 

May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month. Physicians and others in the medical community need to be more aware of celiac disease.  Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease triggered by the ingestion of gluten that affects approximately 1 percent of the U.S…