Category: Conditions

As the pandemic winds down, another crisis may be looming

Imagine this scenario: a busy mom struggles to balance work and parenting during the pandemic when suddenly her teenage son begins to anger. He gets out of control, screams threats, and kicks a hole in the wall. Neighbors call the police, who recommend…

My most dangerous COVID intubation

As the pandemic grew in Southern California, intubating COVID patients became increasingly dangerous. Initially, any patient with signs of respiratory distress was intubated, then sent to the ICU immediately. My physician colleagues and I all thought w…

Can a magnet treat depression?

The rates of depression in the U.S. have tripled over the last year, with over 25 percent of adults expressing symptoms of depression. While depression was always a leading cause of mental illness and disability, it has become a worsening problem durin…

As we emerge from COVID, give space and grace to those around you

I am guessing you have felt it. Maybe you have participated or contributed to it. Exuberant hope Unmasked optimism Guiltless travel After a year of living in fear and isolation, bound and gagged, there is a loosening of the bonds. We struggle and wrigg…

Maternal mental health in the time of COVID-19: How to find support

Motherhood can be joyous, frustrating, terrifying, miraculous, exhausting, and messy. It is all these things at once in normal times. But these, as we know, are not normal times. Among the many aspects of life that COVID-19 has upended, maternal mental…

How creative solutions to inequitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution can save lives now

The current COVID-19 vaccines have been developed with unprecedented efficiency and speed. Years of research, development, production, and regulatory approvals have been compressed into months. But accelerating the science is only half the puzzle. If w…

Give health care workers a break. Get a vaccine!

Cities across the country, including Chicago and New York, have announced reopening — Broadway will be full capacity soon. This is at the same time as the pause on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has lifted, walk-in vaccines are available around the …

Give health care workers a break. Get a vaccine!

Cities across the country, including Chicago and New York, have announced reopening — Broadway will be full capacity soon. This is at the same time as the pause on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has lifted, walk-in vaccines are available around the …

Can people really change?

An excerpt from Connect: Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends, and Colleagues. We believe that people can change. We couldn’t have stayed in the business we’re in for this many decades if we hadn’t seen it happen repeatedly. People m…

Desperate for cancer relief

Pain was simply the biggest discomfort he had during those last few days I cared for him. I had just transitioned onto the inpatient wards service, taking over the patient list from one of my colleagues. I received sign-out from her saying a patient ha…