Category: Conditions

The pedestal that’s killing doctors

Doctors are often called “heroes” – a surprisingly uncomfortable label. Physicians are already tired of being held to a higher standard than the average person; raising the pedestal is problematic. While doctors are compassionate individuals who care a…

What type of tummy tuck is right for you?

You may already be aware of what a tummy tuck is and who should get one. One thing, perhaps, you’re confused about is what kind of tummy tuck would work best for you. If that is correct, worry not. We’ve got you covered. There are several different typ…

5 questions to ask before you have back surgery

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people see their physician and one of the most common causes of missed days at work. Approximately 60% to 80% of adults experience low back pain during their lives, and for 10% of them, the pain lasts for mor…

In honor of Benjamin Franklin: Choose prevention

When I was a high school student, my calculus teacher stood eager to use her new electronic board.  She admitted to doing derivatives for fun on the weekends. I admired the way she looked at a complex math problem and solved it with ease. Even more not…

A tale of two epidemics: COVID and obesity

Millions worldwide have had COVID-19. The largest obstacle to reining in this virus’s spread is that the range of symptoms is unpredictable, from minimal to severe respiratory compromise with diffuse lung damage and death. As COVID-19 initially m…

Positive growth from the COVID-19 pandemic 

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost everyone, whether directly, through the loss of loved ones, or its impact on job security. Business has slowed down in many sectors and has been put into a standstill. It became clear that things we thought wer…

Thought disorder, clinical silos, prediction and prevention vs. diagnosing what’s in front of you

I have worked part-time as an applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapist for the last few years. The job isn’t complicated, and where I am, one doesn’t need a specifically tailored education or license to practice under supervision. An ABA&#…

Do protocols and pathways improve care?

As I’ve written before, I have to confess I’ve never been a huge fan of pathways and protocols. They often struck me as rigid and insensitive to the nuances of differences between patients. There are also times when they are just absurd whe…

Bridging the gap between the bedside and the bench in the fight against COVID-19

On March 16 — the same day that the nation’s first shelter-in-place orders were announced in the San Francisco Bay Area — a Seattle woman rolled up her sleeve to take the first experimental dose of a possible COVID-19 vaccine. “We all feel so helpless,…

The COVID winter is coming. The time to prepare is now.

The motto of the House of Stark from Game of Thrones is “winter is coming.” The meaning is a warning to remain vigilant as there are troubling times ahead. This motto applies to both mental illness and the COVID pandemic.  There was a brief time where …