Category: Conditions

Young lives at risk: the unseen dangers of fentanyl addiction

When we go charging in blood vessels at breathtaking speed to relieve the blockade that otherwise may bring a sad end to life, we expect to be doing it for the mature and elderly. The stress and strains upon the heart through the journey that is life u…

The health care assembly line. Time is money.

After 45 years as an ICU nurse specializing in surgical trauma ICU and eventually PACU nursing, Marsha wasn’t ready to retire. She was restless and bored and decided to continue her PACU expertise at a freestanding surgical center. While juggling…

Time to educate the psychiatric patient

The initial psychiatric interview of a patient is often a crucial part of the developing relationship between patient and physician. Establishing rapport, reaching a diagnosis, discussing treatment options, and formulating a plan, are the main framewor…

Ignored and misdiagnosed: the truth about hernias in women

When actress, model, and reality star Denise Richards came into my office, she had been suffering from chronic pelvic pain for years. Doctor after doctor had given her the same advice: ignore it. It’s just a hernia. By the time Richards consulted…

Essential safety strategies in anesthesia: anticipation and prevention of complication

One of the best safety strategies in anesthesia is the anticipation and prevention of complications and errors at every step of preparation. An intact intravenous drug delivery system is essential for almost every anesthetic plan. In this article, we w…

New standards for anesthesia in out-of-hospital Cesarean sections

Unless planning to issue an update on practice guidelines for obstetric anesthesia, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), along with its subspecialty organization, the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP), should formulat…

A simple, quick activity to build community within your health care team

I’ve been using experiential activities from improvisation as a modality for teaching communication-related skills for about two decades. Because they are based on a “YES AND” philosophy, which requires everyone’s participation,…

Real-time cancer detection and the future of oncology

An excerpt from Race for a Remedy: The Science and Scientists Behind the Next Life-Saving Cancer Medicine. I like to compare diabetes and cancer. Both are chronic illnesses with a trend of increasing new cases globally over the past decades, and both a…

From marathons to moderation: Rethinking endurance exercise

When it comes to exercise, it is possible to get too much of a good thing. Regular participation in appropriate mild to moderate exercise is one of the most important habits for optimal health. The kind of detrimental excess endurance exercise I’…

Cinnamon versus brain cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and insomnia

I’ve always adored cinnamon. Its aroma warms the cockles of my heart, and its flavor makes me feel as if I’m wrapped up in an old fairy tale. However, I was floored when I reviewed some of the latest research regarding the effects of cinnam…