Category: Conditions

We need effective wound care medicines in our national stockpile

To suggest that the impact of the novel coronavirus has been nothing short of devastating – from a health perspective, to the economy, to basic social interaction – would be the most striking understatement of the decade.  Daily media viewing over the …

Living with extended family? Try these tips for better mental health.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the structure of many people’s households has changed dramatically. Young adults who were away at college had to return home when schools closed, and many will still be at home this fall as schools continue to limi…

This infectious disease physician is furious and exhausted

I am exhausted. I’m a physician in the suburbs of Houston. The latest COVID-19 infection rates in the Houston area show a steep increase in rates since reopening in May. And it’s still rising. As an infectious diseases physician in the middle of this w…

The COVID effect on this physician

COVID. What is it to me? A sense of growing dread for primary care providers everywhere, whose patient panels read like a list of future dead. Diabetes, obesity, heart disease, emphysema. The reality is most people have no idea how close to devastation…

To my kids from a mentally exhausted doctor

As I reflect on Independence Day, I think of soldiers that sacrificed their own lives for others – present and future.  They knew what they were facing, and yet, continued to push forward.  They imperfectly led our nation through unprecedented waters w…

Children and adolescents need well-child visits and immunizations, even during the COVID-19 pandemic

Now more than ever, children and adolescents need to continue receiving routine well-child visits and regularly scheduled immunizations. From the earliest onset of the COVID19 pandemic, there has been a significant decrease in the number of preventive …

Complacency fuels the slow burn of COVID-19

In polarizing politics, it seems that somehow the greater good often misses the very grain that comes together and makes it great — the people. After we blindfolded ourselves to a warning from China and then Italy, New York witnessed the grinding impac…

Bottles and pacifiers: advice from a Latinx pediatrician

Growing up in Puerto Rico, “babas” (bottles: biberón/botellas) and “bobos” (pacifiers:  chupetes/chupón) were very common among the families and children of the island.  I still remember our Abuelita giving us milk in our &#8220…

A frontline physician has a message for you

To the people who say that wearing a mask perpetuates the conspiracy: Tell that to the health care workers who have put their lives at risk to face firsthand an unknown disease. Tell that to the families of frontline workers who have contracted and suc…

The most important and erroneously reported vital sign in medicine

What if I told you that the most important vital sign of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely being incorrectly reported in almost every doctor’s office, urgent care center, and hospital around the country? The everyday citizen probably believes that this i…