Category: Conditions

Renal denervation: a solution for hypertension patients worldwide

Hypertension, known as high blood pressure (HBP), is a global epidemic. It impacts a staggering 1.28 billion people, more than a third of the adult population, and is the leading cause of death globally. The most frightening part? More than 75 percent …

President Biden: a closer look at leadership, dignity, and aging

The fatal blow to President Biden’s reelection bid came during the debate when he appeared to have a stroke. The insult of being “too old” haunted and hounded him ever since. How quickly did Biden need to end his campaign to save face…

Spinal revolution: Navigating a digital future in surgical precision

With an expected 80 percent increase in demand for spinal surgery by 2060, particularly among older patients, the need for advanced technology driving personalized treatment is clear. Achieving optimal spine outcomes while deriving critical data that f…

Compassion in medicine: How palliative care changes lives

Health care providers dedicate years to rigorous education and training to optimize medical care, aiming to heal and treat illness. However, historically, there has been a significant gap in training regarding the transition from a treatment-focused ap…

Your baby is fine; her lips aren’t blue

I remember these words as if it were yesterday. Those memories are etched into my mind forever. I can’t forget them, nor do I want to, because I know that these experiences are not unique to me but happen all too often. When my second child was f…

The hidden connection between dementia and PTSD

Health care professionals working with dementia patients should be aware that a higher-than-average percentage of their patients are likely to have PTSD. Research has found that people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) appear to have a higher …

How compassionate communities can transform the lives of schizophrenia patients

While working as psychiatrists, we have the pleasure of working very closely with our patients as well as their friends and family. During these interactions, we get to know a lot about their struggles. In this blog, I want to focus on what we as a com…

Unlock your child’s potential: the power of nurturing hidden talents

What do you do to make your child confident? Do you tell them that they are amazing? Do you say that they are smart? Do they believe you? Today, I am going to share the story of an autistic child who was brought to the doctor after a severe mental brea…

The surprising truth about where intimacy really begins

Intimacy starts outside the bedroom. Most people think intimacy occurs inside, but it seems to me this could not be farther from the truth. Intimacy is a taboo topic in our society. I am not referring to only physical intimacy but also emotional and sp…

From devotion to despair: a teacher’s fight against glioblastoma

He was only 31 years old. He had a beard and was a very tall and incredibly handsome man. He was a teacher who used to teach the Holy Quran to young children in a faraway village in Punjab. He used to offer his prayers regularly. He did not go to schoo…