Category: Conditions

Amid COVID-19, please USMLE Step 1 pass/fail now

COVID-19 continues to require unprecedented disruptions to medical education. On March 17, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and Liaison Committee on Medical Education recommended that medical schools release all students from clinica…

To my surgical colleagues: Please do the right thing

As an anesthesiologist, the odds are I might get to work thirty minutes or an hour before you to prepare for the case or cases which you will perform that day. No matter what the procedure is, I am prepared for the worst possible scenario. This include…

Life on the front lines and surviving the emergency department (with the help of social media)

In the midst of a global pandemic, COVID-19 has forced all involved with patient care to be innovative and adaptive. Deployed as an emergency department (ED) physician, on the front lines of medicine, my team and I work tirelessly to take care of and r…

It’s time for physicians to unite, not tear each other down

One of the many reasons I’m proud to be American is that we truly identify as being American. We aren’t Illinoisans or Californians. Our pride comes from being part of this nation. Why is it different in our careers? As I watch the coronavirus multiply…

Cocktails during COVID-19

During this time of social distancing, most of us are struggling to keep our social connections alive. I found that in this flurry of planning how to continue to care for my orthopaedic patients, making sure childcare is lined up, and setting up “decon…

Physician advocacy in the age of COVID-19

In “Why doctors should get political,” I focused on the need for doctors to voice their opinions in order to rally patients and inspire them to take control of their own health, but what about the responsibility we have to ourselves, our families, and …

5 ways to manage anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic

Since the coronavirus outbreak, reports of anxiety have increased, especially among physicians. Physicians face numerous stressors, including fears of contracting the coronavirus, concerns about potentially infecting loved ones, PPE shortages, testing …

Physicians are not “giving up”

We are scared. This virus threatens our lives.  It threatens our families.  It threatens our friends.  We have physician friends crying between patients in fear that their partners who work in the emergency department (ED) may contract this virus, know…

A psychiatric services response to the COVID-19 crisis

Past experiences should inform, but not determine, future action.  This has been much on my mind as we bolstered outpatient psychiatric services in response to the COVID-19 crisis.  The effort has felt deeply personal, as well as professionally imperat…

Coronavirus is a crisis. And an opportunity.

I’m bombarded with emails of rapidly changing policies to prevent infections and identify COVID-19 patients (in the course of writing this, I’ve already received three more emails), I’m having a hard time finding masks because the nurses are hoarding t…