Category: Conditions

Excellent surgeons those who are quick to recognize their mistakes

“Dr. Rahman, this is the nurse in OR 12, Dr. H is doing a robotic/laparoscopic hysterectomy. He thinks he’s injured the ureter and is requesting help. Are you available?” I knew what came next was going to be complex — challenging surgically, disruptiv…

We should not be in a hurry to label a sign or symptom pathognomonic

“Pathognomonia.” I do not believe this is a real word. That’s OK. I don’t care if it isn’t. I have wanted to write this little blurb several times over a period of a few years. My theme is related to what we physicians regard as pathognomon…

The day he stopped pretending to be sick

From second through fifth grade, I mastered the art of being sick. I got out of school, soccer practice and piano lessons so that I could be the child I wanted to be — not sick, but loved, cared for. Here was my recipe: 1. Wake up. 2. Feel anxious abou…

Does coffee lead to cardiac arrhythmias?

Coffee —”because of the caffeine which it holds,” described Dr. Henry Elsner in a 1911 review article in the journal of Hypertension and Arteriosclerosis — causes “increased rapidity of the heart’s action. It makes the heart irr…

MKSAP: 60-year-old man with a variable 2-hour postprandial blood glucose

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 60-year-old man variable 2-hour postprandial blood glucose is evaluated during a routine follow-up examination. He has type 2 diabetes mell…

MKSAP: 60-year-old man with a variable 2-hour postprandial blood glucose

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 60-year-old man variable 2-hour postprandial blood glucose is evaluated during a routine follow-up examination. He has type 2 diabetes mell…

Diagnosed with prostate cancer? You must ask these 10 questions.

Prostate cancer often presents unique challenges to patients and physicians alike. It can be indolent and non-aggressive — or life-threatening and everything in between. Unlike most cancers that have a dedicated roadmap for treatment for prostate cance…

AEDs save lies: Why more people should know how to use them

Did you know that over 300,000 people a year visit a doctor for symptoms of anaphylaxis — yet, thankfully, between 1999-2010 only 2,458 died from anaphylaxis? Compare that with the fact that each year anywhere between 180,000 to 450,000 people in the U…

A clinician’s guide to microbiome testing

The intestinal microbiota, also commonly known as the ‘‘gut microbiome’’ is integral to human physiology and has wide-ranging effects on the development and function of the immune system, energy metabolism and even nervous system activity. There is a l…

MKSAP: 82-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s disease

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. An 82-year-old woman is seen for follow-up evaluation of Alzheimer disease. Since her last visit 12 weeks ago, she has been taking rivastigmi…