Category: Conditions

Navigating your first MRI: tips and insights

MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a commonly used form of imaging to help diagnose conditions that might not be visible in an X-ray. The MRI scanner is a large cylindrical tube-shaped machine that creates a strong magnetic force and radio waves to…

The hidden danger of prolonged gaming

A couple of weeks ago, my sister texted me that my 26-year-old nephew Justin was complaining that his chest hurt every time he breathed in. Justin is a healthy, athletic guy who played soccer throughout high school and volleyball in college. More recen…

Navigating the evidence-practice gap in concussion care

Despite a growing body of research and clinical guidelines, a significant evidence-practice gap persists in the management of concussions. This gap represents a challenge that health care professionals and researchers are working diligently to bridge. …

Pain medicine realities: beyond the opioid crisis

In 1990, Ronald Melzack published a paper in Scientific American titled “The Tragedy of Needless Pain.” Many would regard Melzack as the “father” of pain science and the treatment of pain. In that paper, he described the science…

The brain science behind acupuncture

There are those who believe acupuncture to be a bunch of mumbo jumbo. I’m convinced it works, though. Acupuncture was first performed thousands of years ago, and it’s still being done today. That alone should tell you there’s somethin…

A resident’s critical discovery: Advanced cancer unveiled

It was my first week in the radiation oncology department as a resident. The day had been busy, and most of the consultants and staff had already left the outpatient department (OPD). I was exhausted and famished, with thoughts of dinner dominating my …

Improving health care access for autism and disabilities

In September 2023, President Biden announced health care provider training, allocating over $8 million through 18 awards to train primary care medical students, physician assistant students, and medical residents in providing culturally and linguistica…

The complexity of resilience and the role of medical improv

High incidences of burnout, quiet quitting, suicide, workplace violence, excessive and relentless stress, and chronic staffing shortages reveal a huge need for resilience among health care workers. Resilience is a complex competency involving flexibili…

From mental illness to maximum sentence

An excerpt from Mars Hospital: A Doctor’s Novel. “Patient’s ready. This one will be interesting,” Sally said with a smirk. “Mom brought her nineteen-year-old son in, and she says he’s the devil.” I rolled my ey…

The fine line between childhood illnesses and Munchausen syndrome by proxy

“Fine lines” in medicine often refer to situations where decisions are not clear-cut and require careful judgment. Perhaps the most tenuous of lines is the one between “real” childhood illnesses and those caused by Munchausen sy…