Category: Conditions

Unthinkable choices in childbirth emergencies

Firefighters and doctors stand beside you on your worst days. On our best days, we help you sidestep disaster. On our worst days, we make gruesome decisions, so you don’t have to. Andrea’s family barely survived the pandemic. Her husband lo…

The link between orofacial myofunctional disorders and dental health

How many rabbits have you seen with crooked teeth? How about bears or dogs? Why are humans the only mammals with crooked teeth? An orofacial myofunctional disorder, or OMD, describes abnormal lip, jaw, or tongue positions during rest, swallowing, or sp…

Motorcycle helmet laws: Balancing freedom and financial impact

Several years ago, I cared for a young man who crashed his motorcycle at highway speeds. He arrived, slightly dazed, with a few broken bones. Because he was wearing a full-face helmet, he had sustained only a concussion. The paramedics brought in his h…

Crying to be heard: women in emotional pain

I am struck by how often crying is overlooked or trivialized by doctors despite its therapeutic value and need for recognition. Crying can play a significant role in healing and overall well-being. Research has shown that crying serves as an emotional …

Dying is a selfish business

An excerpt from A Caregiver’s Love Story. Whether you are the dying or the caregiver, living life to the fullest remains your goal, but somedays it’s just too darn hard. When you are so busy that it doesn’t seem you have time to take …

Dying is a selfish business

An excerpt from A Caregiver’s Love Story. Whether you are the dying or the caregiver, living life to the fullest remains your goal, but somedays it’s just too darn hard. When you are so busy that it doesn’t seem you have time to take …

The importance of “I statements” in health care settings

Three nurses are at the nurses’ station. Two are talking about managing a patient’s pain, and a third, Donna, is reviewing a patient’s lab results and finding it difficult to concentrate. Which is Donna’s best statement? 1) Shhh…

Physician mental health: a guide for BIPOC physicians

In the world of medicine, the challenges faced by BIPOC physicians are multifaceted. Not only do they contend with the rigor and demands of the profession, but they also navigate unique societal pressures and systemic inequalities. Prioritizing mental …

Physician mental health: a guide for BIPOC physicians

In the world of medicine, the challenges faced by BIPOC physicians are multifaceted. Not only do they contend with the rigor and demands of the profession, but they also navigate unique societal pressures and systemic inequalities. Prioritizing mental …

Balancing opioid medication in chronic pain

She walked in with a cane, bent over like a question mark. She was in her seventies and as sweet as people in that age group tend to be. I think most of the cranky ones don’t make it that far. She was something of an emergency because her doctor …