The comedian George Burns once quipped, “By the time you’re eighty years old, you’ve learned everything. You only have to remember it.” With the average life expectancy in the United States up from 54 a century ago to 74 today, …
“Should I get a PSA?” It depends. Who is asking, and why? If the question is being asked by a 45-year-old man, the answer is going to be different than if it’s being asked by a 75-year-old. If a primary care clinician is asking, he/sh…
An excerpt from A Caregiver’s Love Story. My husband was diagnosed with cognitive decline in the last three years of his life. I was desperate for understanding and help and referred to the following source. Here are ten tips for communicating wi…
Almost 30 years ago, as an OB/GYN intern at a large urban medical center, I was privileged to learn from exemplary doctors and midwives. After 4:30 a.m. postpartum rounds one day, a midwife said, “I saw your note. You listened for bowel sounds an…
Reality knocked me for a loop one evening when my father-in-law called from his home in another state and asked for help. This kind of request was very uncharacteristic for him. We responded immediately and drove to his home. After much conversation an…
During a total hip replacement, a patient experienced a brisk bleed and a drop in blood pressure that required intervention from the anesthesiologist. There was a discrepancy in the documented estimated blood loss, with the surgeon noting 30 0cc while …
The facelift procedure was first described in 1901 by Eugene Hollander and in 1916 by Erich Lexer. Over the last century, the facelift has become the gold standard for facial rejuvenation and continues to grow in popularity. One of the reasons we can a…
An excerpt from The Healing Connection: A Partnership for Your Health. The blood spurt was alarming though because it therefore indicated that the pressure in the venous system had to be sky high in order to shoot a column of blood in such a continuous…
An excerpt from One Hundred Prayers: God’s answer to prayer in a COVID ICU. (August 30, 2021) Susan was 44 years old and previously healthy; an ardent anti-masker. When she caught delta COVID, she took ivermectin, zinc and vitamin C. She arrived…
“If you don’t know how to die, don’t worry; Nature will tell you what to do on the spot, fully and adequately. She will do this job perfectly for you.” – M. Montaigne (1533-1592) In 2021, former U.S. President Bill Clinton…