Category: Conditions

Why poor diets are contributing to a surge in colorectal cancer cases among young people

An alarming trend has emerged in my medical practice in recent years: I’m seeing more and more young adults with colorectal cancer. When I began practicing as a family physician 21 years ago, I never saw patients in their 40s and 50s with the dis…

The secret side of a brilliant ICU physician revealed

As I look at his obituary pictures, I can’t help but feel a sense of longing. I wish I could have known him – that other side of him that his family, friends, and colleagues are sharing in their photos. They’re all smiling and laughin…

Advancements in technology offer hope for those with Alzheimer’s disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2020, approximately 5.8 million people in the U.S. were living with Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive brain disorder affecting memory, thinking, and behavior. The prevalence of t…

Transparency and honesty: the keys to fixing America’s broken health care system

When I was growing up,  I remember my father saying the phrase, “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”  In today’s world, I find myself often recalling those words. Most of life these days should not be taken at fac…

Breaking up with nursing: a heartfelt letter

I write this letter with a heavy heart. Our story began during my sophomore year in college, but after a decade with you, I can’t help but feel our dynamic has changed. Intrusive thoughts of leaving you have etched their way to the forefront of m…

Understanding the end of the COVID public health emergency

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented event for worldwide health care. The call to action for organizations included setting up mass testing sites to serve their communities. I helped set up multiple locations across several counties using a …

A veteran’s battle against possible lung cancer

During my night shift at the emergency department, I encountered a 72-year-old decorated war veteran named Mr. Sun. Accompanied by his concerned wife, he came to address a year-long struggle with fatigue and a non-productive cough he’d been exper…

A tale of two patients: one journey, two stories of courage

It was a busy night in the emergency department, as usual. I rushed from one patient to the next, trying to keep up with the constant stream of people coming in with various ailments and injuries. One patient, in particular, stood out to me that night….

The heartbreaking realities of being a caregiver with Huntington’s disease

An excerpt from Huntington’s Disease Heroes: Inspiring Stories of Resilience from the HD Community. These days as my father’s Huntington’s disease progresses and I take on more and more, I have learned how quickly being a caregiver ca…

Breaking the silence on mental health: Why understanding past traumas is key

Depression is a complex and multifaceted illness that affects millions of people worldwide. For a long time, the prevailing explanation for depression has been that a chemical imbalance in the brain causes it, and I, like many other clinicians, accepte…