Category: Conditions

Ensuring your voice is heard: the importance of power of attorney, advance care directives, and POLST forms

My husband was clearly losing his independence after a terminal diagnosis and many hospital visits. I was getting more and more responsibility, which I didn’t mind, but the best way we could handle it was just to let it happen. There was no way t…

Ensuring your voice is heard: the importance of power of attorney, advance care directives, and POLST forms

My husband was clearly losing his independence after a terminal diagnosis and many hospital visits. I was getting more and more responsibility, which I didn’t mind, but the best way we could handle it was just to let it happen. There was no way t…

A doctor’s journey: Navigating chronic disease and empowerment through life coaching

On January 2020, I got the dreaded call:  You have Type 1 diabetes. The rest is a blur. I went into a global pandemic, one of the highest risk categories, a red lab value that stared at me “HgbA1c > 15.” As a family physician, I was sup…

Geriatric foot care 101: How shoes can help reduce the risk of falls

If you did not know all that I know about feet, you would think geriatricians (doctors for patients 65+ years old) have a foot fetish. We are obsessed with feet, but in a good way. You see, feet play a big role in balance and preventing falls. We reall…

Say “no” to APNO and say “yes” to breastfeeding medicine

It is common to get some nipple discomfort at the start of breastfeeding. Babies and moms are learning how to do this new skill, and sometimes they just don’t get it right, and nipple damage can occur. If caught and adjusted early, this can clear…

The rise of at-home STI testing: a solution to America’s growing problem or a risky gamble?

In 2021, I spent the year before starting medical school calling and counseling the patients of a busy urban emergency department on the results of their sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests. “What exactly is gonorrhea?” some would as…

An angel in the woods: a tragic story and the gift of life

We lived in the woods. Five acres of trees. You could barely see the sky. We left the big city for this piece of heaven. And by chance, we met a couple that had a 5-year-old daughter. Our son was four years old. They became best friends. They’d s…

Postpartum depression or psychosis: Understanding the reality behind Lindsey Clancy’s story

The recent case of Lindsey Clancy has weighed heavily on my heart over the past several days. According to her husband, she was a young mother who was suffering from postpartum depression or psychosis and receiving treatment in an intensive outpatient …

Cream Puff Days: Coping with grief and finding comfort

I wrote an article on letting grief make you stronger and talked about a trip to the grocery store where I was not as strong as I hoped. I walked by the Cream Puffs and broke into tears. My husband passed away almost four months ago, and he always used…

The dark side of cannabis: increased risk of psychosis

Psychosis is a broad term that describes a change in the perception of reality. It can be caused by various conditions, including metabolic, psychiatric, neurologic, genetic, and other medical conditions, as well as licit and illicit substances, partic…