Category: Conditions

We are lost and forgotten in the immensity, waiting in the shadows

We traverse parallel paths, you and I. Paths that intersect during times of stress, loss, and illness. Each of us searching for truth, understanding, and resolution. Our stories need to be heard, but in these trying times, we are but mere specks in the…

Activity is good. Exercise is better.

An excerpt from Man Overboard!: A Medical Lifeline for the Aging Male. OK, you don’t consider yourself an exerciser. It’s just not you. You hate running. You don’t have the social temperament or the body image to show up in a gym. You…

Pediatrician and pharmacist agree: Children should be vaccinated against COVID-19

With COVID-19 vaccines now widely available for children six months and older, we join pediatricians and pharmacists across the country and urge parents to vaccinate their young children against COVID-19 as soon as possible. Schools are open and more a…

Take steps (literally) to prevent dementia

A recent study out of England found that walking just under 10,000 steps a day reduces a person’s risk of developing dementia by 50 percent. Pick up the pace to a “brisk” walk (over 40 steps per minute), and that risk goes down even f…

Health care’s dirty secret

Health care has a dirty little secret. And if you aren’t part of the club, chances are that you don’t know anything about it. Aside from COVID-19, short staffing, and the lack of hospital beds to accommodate those who need them, another cri…

We cannot ignore nutrition’s impact on both pain and obesity

 An excerpt from Epigenetics and the Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Lose More Weight with Less Effort. We know that people with chronic pain are more likely to be obese; but does this happen because people with chronic pain struggle to exercise and …

It doesn’t matter where you are in the health care hierarchy

He was in the Ivy League for med school. His dad was an MD, and they lived not too far from this small town. Daddy’s house, a “mini-mansion,” was right around the corner. After successfully completing his residency, Dr. David became o…

How the mind-gut connection affects total health

As a colorectal surgeon, I address complex intestinal issues with state-of-the-art interventions. Fortunately for most people, the key to a healthy digestive system isn’t that complicated. A proper diet, regular exercise, and stress reduction all…

How my sister’s death changed everything

It was fall. Sun-slanted rays filtered into the church from a cold November sky, creating a false sense of warmth. My nephew Dru stood before family and friends who were gathered to remember his mother. He began by telling how, in-between trips to the …

We tell our stories, but who will listen?

You and I are different from who we were yesterday, last year, three years ago. We have been impacted by the pandemic, loss, and stress. We are struggling to bring some semblance of normality back into our lives. War, climate change, racial discontent,…