Category: Conditions

The appendix: an ancient organ for the modern age

An excerpt from Tornado of Life: A Doctor’s Journey Through Constraints and Creativity in the ER. Reprinted with permission from The MIT Press. Copyright 2022. The appendix is a body part with an image problem. Derived from the Latin word for &#8…

Urging patience with patient self-advocacy

One conundrum patients face is the dichotomy of trusting our doctors whilst deep diving in web searches and seeking additional opinions. Another is when our findings and experiences do not align with our doctors or established practices and guidelines….

Urging patience with patient self-advocacy

One conundrum patients face is the dichotomy of trusting our doctors whilst deep diving in web searches and seeking additional opinions. Another is when our findings and experiences do not align with our doctors or established practices and guidelines….

As we get older and the world changes, it’s not always an easy task to say “where”

“Where does it hurt?” As a child, I can remember this ubiquitous question being frequently asked of me. Having grown up on a farm, there was always some trouble for me to get into. A common hazard was my older sister’s 26-inch bicycle…

Improving communication requires tough soft skill development

If we are going to take on the challenge of improving communication and related behavior, a.k.a. “soft” skills among health care professionals, we should be realistic. As nurses, doctors, and other health care professionals, we are keenly a…

Withdrawing life-sustaining treatment over family objections

“We can keep your loved one alive. but we won’t. Even though you think their life is worth living, we do not.” The first time I helped a hospital convey this type of offensive message to a patient’s family, it deeply humbled me….

When should you consider surgery for scoliosis?

Most people with scoliosis will never require surgery. But who does need surgery, and how do you know? Often diagnosed in childhood, scoliosis is characterized by an abnormal curve in the spine that can range from as small as 10 degrees to more than 10…

How hearing is connected to well-being

As an audiologist, treating hearing loss is a part of my everyday life. Even still, I’m sometimes amazed at the difference hearing aids can make in patients’ lives. For example, recently, when an older patient with longstanding hearing loss…

Let’s address the needs of millions of students with sensory processing disorders

As public and private schools around the country gear up for opening their doors to in-person learning later this month, it is important to acknowledge and accommodate the millions of children who deal with sensory processing disorders. An estimated 5 …

Not a cheater? Let’s count the ways.

Sexual infidelity is the headline grabber when most people think about betrayals in love relationships. But, everyday breaches of trust slide under the radar and can erode even the strongest of relationships. A small lie about a purchase, a slight exag…