Category: Decision Maker

What Helped This Asian Country To Keep Covid-19 Deaths At Zero?

Timor-Leste, also known as East Timor, has seen more than 50 days without new COVID-19 cases and has yet to report a single death, thanks in part to water initiatives designed to increase resilience to outside shocks. #globalsouthscience

The U.S. Government’s Push For Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Warp Speed’ Faces Potential Black Hole Of Red Tape And Universe Of Unknowns

Dr. Stephen Thomas, who helped develop vaccine candidates for diseases such as Ebola, Zika and MERS, discusses the challenges involved in accelerating development during a pandemic.

How African Nations Can Respond To The Challenges Of Both Covid-19 And Future Pandemics

Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, Vice-President of Sierra Leone and Dr. Vanessa Kerry, cofounder and CEO of Seed Global Health, discuss the potential for African countries to use their response to the Covid-19 pandemic to transform their healthcare systems.

Lilly Has Begun Phase 3 Clinical Trials To See If Its Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Treats Covid-19

The Indianapolis-based pharmaceutical giant hopes to enroll up to 400 people in a study to see if its drug baricitinib can treat patients with severe cases of Covid-19.

Early Data From Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Are Encouraging, But There’s Still A Long Way To Go

Virologist Dave Wessner explains what we know about two promising coronavirus vaccines so far – and how much more we still need to know before they come onto the market.

The Coronavirus Pandemic Isn’t Over: Keep Washing Your Hands As Economies Reopen

Dr. Rodney Rohde, a virologist and clinical laboratory expert, explains why regular surface cleaning and handwashing will be even more important as social distancing requirements are relaxed.

New Study Shows Hydroxychloroquine Doesn’t Prevent Covid-19 Coronavirus Infection

Virus expert Dave Wessner explores a new study that shows that hydroxychloroquine doesn’t appear to prevent people from being infected with the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.

The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Boosted Telehealth; Here’s How Existing Spaces Can Support Virtual Visits

As more people use telehealth options during the pandemic, medical designers Teri Oelrich and Bryan Langlands explain how healthcare providers can adjust their offices to improve patient care and streamline operations accordingly.

Tear Gas And Pepper Spray Can Maim, Kill And Spread Coronavirus

Despite denials from AG Barr, pepper spray and tear gas are dangerous chemicals being used against protesters. They will likely worsen the coronavirus epidemic.

How The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Impacted International Research Programs: A Personal Perspective

Dr. Jason Kindrachuk, an infectious disease expert, discusses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on scientific research efforts with colleagues he’s worked with in Kenya.