Category: Diagnosis: Debt

An Air Force Career Held up Because of Debt Owed for Medical Bills

Emergency room care left Samaria Bradford with $5,000 in medical bills. Now she has to track down and pay that debt before she can hope to enlist in the military.

A Medical Cost-Sharing Plan Left Pastor With Most Of The Cost

Jeff and Kareen King joined a medical cost-sharing plan advertised as a “refreshing non-insurance approach” to paying for health care. It had a big proviso: Preexisting conditions like Jeff’s heart condition were not fully covered for the first two years. He needed heart surgery after just 16 months.

From Her View in Knoxville, the Health System Is ‘Not Designed for Poor People’

Monica Reed was the first in her family to own a home and has lived “a frugal kind of life.” Cancer treatment left her with almost $10,000 in debt, pushing her to the edge financially.

Hundreds of US Hospitals Sue Patients or Threaten Their Credit, a KHN Investigation Finds

An examination of billing policies and practices at more than 500 hospitals across the country shows widespread reliance on aggressive collection tactics.

What Germany’s Coal Miners Can Teach America About Medical Debt

Coal mining ended in Germany’s Saarland a decade ago, but the transition away from coal has been smoother than in West Virginia, which has more medical debt than any state in America.

How Banks and Private Equity Cash In When Patients Can’t Pay Their Medical Bills

Hospitals strike deals with financing companies, generating profits for lenders, and more debt for patients.

Knoxville’s Black Community Endured Deeply Rooted Racism. Now There Is Medical Debt.

Despite the end of Jim Crow segregation, its legacy lives on in medical debt that disproportionately burdens Black communities.

Kids’ Mental Health Care Leaves Parents in Debt and in the Shadows

A youth mental health crisis and a shortage of therapists and other care providers who take insurance are pushing many families into financial ruin. But it’s rarely acknowledged as medical debt.

Medical Debt Sunk Her Credit. New Changes From the Credit Reporting Agencies Won’t Help.

New policies to prevent unpaid medical bills from harming people’s credit scores are on the way. But the concessions made by top credit reporting companies may fall short for those with the largest debt — especially Black Americans in the South.

Listen: Medical Bills Upended Her Life and Her Credit Score

Penny Wingard, 58, of Charlotte, North Carolina, worries she won’t ever get out from under her medical debt despite new policies that are supposed to prevent medical debt from harming people’s credit scores.