As hospitals and health systems increasingly look to remotely monitor patients for a variety of chronic conditions, Oakland, Calif.-based Kaiser Permanente is already tracking the diabetes of nearly 40,000 people from the comfort of their homes.
From piloting a clinical search tool with Google Health to partnering with new health systems, here are seven updates on Meditech’s operations, software products and partnerships reported by Becker’s Hospital Review in November.
From entering into an agreement with Google Cloud to making its EHR system more compatible with Apple users, here are seven updates on Epic’s operations, software products and partnerships reported by Becker’s Hospital Review in November.
For contact tracers of sexually transmitted infections, telephones and text messages have become ineffective. Dating apps increasingly are their best bet for informing people of their exposure risks.
Nest Collaborative, a virtual breastfeeding support platform, has partnered with Kettering (Ohio) Health to provide telehealth breastfeeding support to patients giving birth at the system’s maternity centers.