The Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, on the traditional territory of the Lakota in South Dakota, is a place where pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) is vital. A Boston Children’s Hospital partnership shows promise.
Having a relationship with your physician, and knowing they have a history with you, makes all the difference. But in today’s system, doctors are prevented from doing their number one job, even though their behavior and approach is exactly what’s neede…
Beijing accused the U.S. of politicizing origin-tracing efforts in order to “smear” China following reports another intelligence agency believes the virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory.
Recent research shows that nearly half of young women have bad healthcare experiences. Perhaps no area of care is more sensitive than reproductive health.
We still don’t know where Covid-19 started, although evidence is growing that it started in a lab in Wuhan that was doing gain-of-function research. Why do some virologists continue to push this research?
Byrne’s skeleton stood as the most popular attraction in the Hunterian Museum. Last month, officials announced that they will remove his remains from their exhibition.
In a recent study, researchers found that the amount of disposable income individuals have by the time they are 30 years old could be linked to an increased risk of being diagnosed with a mental disorder later in life or around 22 years later.