Frontotemporal dementia is the most common form of dementia for people 60 and up, and has affected other high-profile figures, like Beastie Boys musician John Berry and “Monty Python” actor Terry Jones.
If approved, the gene therapy Roctavian will likely launch at a list price of ~$2.5 million. But experts anticipate considerable discounts in most instances of sales, as many hemophilia A patients will have the product administered in a 340B-eligible t…
A recent paper in the Stanford Technology Law Review examines how compassionate medical release decisions for incarcerated people were guided by a practice that lead to systemic underdiagnosis and under-staging of CKD in Black people.
The burden of heart disease is also not equal amongst all races. As an example, Black Americans are more than twice as likely to die of cardiovascular disease (diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels) when compared to White Americans.