Category: healthcare

With mRNA Technology, Who Are The Most Future-Ready Pharma Companies In 2023

When accessing the future readiness of a pharma company, it is important to have a balanced assessment.

Anti-Vaxxers Exploit Damar Hamlin’s Crisis With Unfounded Covid-19 Vaccine Claims

The Buffalo Bills safety is in critical condition after suffering a cardiac arrest. Guess what some on social media have been claiming now?

Amazon’s One Medical Deal Wins Over State Regulator Not Worried About Price Increases

Amazon’s proposed acquisition of primary care provider One Medical was cleared by the Oregon Health Authority, which had no “concerns about price increases.”

Out Patient Finances – The Small Things Matter

Simple changes in the clinic setting can positively, or negatively, impact the financial standing of the enterprise.

Respiratory Viruses Sensitive To Mild Acidification Of Ambient Air

A new Swiss study has discovered that certain levels of acidity can inactivate different viruses, providing a new tool to control airborne transmission.

Healthcare Priorities For The Next Congress

If lawmakers are interested in actually improving the nation’s healthcare system, there are several reforms that can command bipartisan support.

Sharp Rise In Kids Accidentally Eating Edibles Amid Legalization—Including Nearly A Quarter Hospitalized For Cannabis Poisoning

The number of young children unwittingly eating cannabis edibles jumped 14-fold in five years, according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal Pediatrics, a growing concern as more states legalize recreational marijuana.

Centene Bounces Back With California Medicaid Contracts

Centene has landed several new contracts to administer Medicaid benefits in California, boosting the health insurer’s financial outlook.

Sharp Rise In Kids Accidentally Eating Edibles Amid Legalization—Including Nearly A Quarter Hospitalized For Cannabis Poisoning

More than 7,000 children under 6 were exposed to cannabis after eating an edible between 2017 and 2021, nearly a quarter of whom were hospitalized, a small but fast-growing subset of poisonings among young kids.

Living Peacefully In A World Of Infinite Chaos: A Conversation With Parent And CEO Of Healthie, Erica Jain

Seven years into a 13-year overnight success story.