The term Eroom’s law in pharma was coined by Dr. Jack Scannell and colleagues in 2012 in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. It is the opposite of Moore’s law in semiconductors and states that the inflation-adjusted cost of developing a new drug roughly dou…
The re=appearance of the poliovirus in New York has left many adults wondering whether they should get a booster even if they were vaccinated as a child.
Prescription drug price negotiations are a key part of the Inflation Reduction Act. Less attention has been paid to important provisions that will reduce health insurance premiums.
Other objects were a couch, blanket, fleece, toilet handle, refrigerator handle, coffee maker, faucet handle, shower door handle, bannister, mouse, and keyboard.
A group of scientists at Harvard University has developed a new method to grow artificial hearts from scratch. This study serves as a significant stepping stone toward artificial hearts that are fully functional.