Category: healthcare

Monkeypox: Doctors May Struggle With Incomplete Treatment Guidance, Study Suggests

Existing guidance on monkeypox treatment and care is contradictory and is missing key information, according to a new study published in British Medical Journal Global Health.

Biden Signs Sweeping Climate And Health Care Package, Marking Major Victory

The bill includes $369 billion in spending on climate and energy projects to help the country cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030.

FDA Upends The Hearing Aid Market By Permitting Sales Of Non-Prescription Devices

After years of internal debate, the FDA has approved the sale of over-the-counter hearing aids.

Special Medical Care For Infants Born At Cusp Of Viability Has Increased Greatly, But Minorities Less Likely To Get It, Study Finds

The share of infants born before the third trimester who receive active treatment has increased from 45.7% in 2014 to 58.8% in 2020, but Black and Hispanic infants are still less likely to receive such care.

Polio Explained: What You Need To Know After Old Threat Was Discovered Spreading In New York, London

Officials are urging parents to immunize their kids against polio—a serious disease that can cause paralysis or death and which mainly strikes young children—after the virus that causes it was found in several countries that had all but eliminated it.

Jill Biden Tests Positive For Covid-19

The First Lady is isolating in South Carolina, where the Bidens traveled for a family vacation.

Bill Gates Calls For More Global Coordination To Fight Covid ‘Health Crisis’

Speaking to South Korean legislators, Gates hailed the country’s public health system and urged it to take a leadership role in global health.

An HIV Vaccine May Be Closer Than Ever—Thanks, In Part, To Covid-19

Infectious disease expert Dave Wessner reports from the 24th International AIDS Conference, where researchers shared ways that Covid vaccine development might help the development of a vaccine for AIDS.

Kansas Abortion Ballot Measure Set For Longshot Recount—But Only In Nine Counties

The voters who requested the effort couldn’t pay the full $230,000 for it to take place statewide.

Birth Control And Bodily Autonomy: ‘Schitt’s Creek’ Star Annie Murphy Speaks Out About Educating And Empowering Women

‘Schitt’s Creek’ star, Annie Murphy, is on a mission to ensure that girls and women everywhere are able to make informed decisions about their birth control options. Options that my grandmother never had.