Category: healthcare

NovaXS Raises First Million Dollars To Make Pain Free Self-Administered Medicines

Alina Su’s pitch for her new medical device begins with uncomfortable talk about needles and ends with a solution that offers the pain-free delivery of self-administered drugs.

Biden White House: Hospitals Can Provide Abortions In Emergencies

Pregnant women have access to abortion under federal law in an emergency situations, the Biden administration said.

Hospitals Need To Offer Abortions In Emergencies—Even In States Where It’s Illegal, HHS Says

The Biden Administration said federal law protects healthcare providers who provide abortions in lifesaving situations, even if their state has outlawed the procedure.

Overcoming The “Cold Start” Problem in Healthcare

Overcoming the cold start problem in healthcare can be incredibly difficult.

That said, there are network effects building tactics from Chen’s book and beyond that digital health leaders should keep in mind to overcome the cold start, achieve the fly…

BA.2.75: A Dark Horse In The Covid Pandemic

The BA.2.75 variant is the latest in a long line of Omicron variants. It is a dark horse candidate to be the worst one yet.

U.S. Secures 3.2 Million Novavax Covid Vaccines — Offering Alternative To MRNA Shots As New Variant Spreads

The vaccine, which differs from mRNA shots like Pfizer’s and Moderna’s, still needs FDA emergency authorization before it can be administered.

U.K. De-Escalates Monkeypox Response

But cases of the rare virus continue to grow, most prominently in London.

Research On Flies Provides Hope For Brain Repair

Recent scientific advances using a distant model organism—the fruit fly—may offer a new window into how brain damage could be repaired in humans.

Not Again. Another Cruise Ship Has A Covid-19 Outbreak

Covid-19 outbreaks on cruise ships are now such a regular occurrence that you would be forgiven for getting a hefty dose of de ja vu after reading this headline.

Women’s Post-Pandemic Health Sharply Contrasts Men’s, New CVS Health Study Reveals

CVS Health’s 2022 Health Care Insights Study finds that female U.S. consumers are very interested in engaging health care providers in discussions about their holistic health, mental health, and physical health goals, although women post-pandemic strug…