Category: Infectious disease

It is overwhelming hopelessness that crushes caregivers’ collective souls

I started my medical training in the late 1990s. This was after the AIDS epidemic; that is to say, by that time, the human immunodeficiency virus was known, and there were already proven treatments. So, for doctors of a certain age, this is the first t…

The need for on-demand access to medical technologies when treating COVID-19 patients

It’s well known that New York City was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring, having been the epicenter of U.S. cases for several weeks. As I write this, more than 245,000 of my fellow New Yorkers have been stricken, and an estimated one in t…

Imagining a pandemic as a physician novelist [PODCAST]

“There are some things that we are living through as a result of COVID-19 that I did not imagine in my fictional account. For example: the timeline. As we are now four full months into this pandemic in the U.S., some experts estimate that we are …

Moral injury and practicing oncology during COVID-19 [PODCAST]

“As our office begins to return to pre-COVID operations, it has been uplifting to have a relative sense of normalcy, even though morale seems to be reduced. It is difficult to promote team building and improve morale when everyone has to maintain…

A physician at the precipice of the pandemic’s next wave

We sit silently on this precipice—my family, my friends, my colleagues.  Time spins. Momentum is building.  It is a tidal wave slowly moving towards us.  We are fixed in its path of raging destruction.  It is our enemy, not each other.  Each tick on th…

Put your thank you into action: Wear masks correctly and avoid large gatherings

I have a video visit in the pulmonary clinic with one of my favorite patients. I ask her how she’s doing and wave to her husband sitting in the background of the living room where she is set up. Deborah says, “We’re good. We’re healthy. We are staying …

Examining the duty of physician officials in the government [PODCAST]

“The duty of physician officials in the government exceeds that of other officials. As physicians, they have a unique moral obligation to do more than protect the constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic. They have a duty to be unambiguous…

Why some health care workers refuse to mask and how we can fix it

If you’re in health care, chances are you’ve heard one of these statements: “Masking doesn’t work.” “We’re all going to get COVID, so why mask?” Another is “COVID is just like the flu.”  Or you’ve even heard, “Those people who died of COVID would have …

The long journey of COVID

I really shouldn’t complain. I haven’t lost my housing or job. I have plenty of food and toilet paper, and so far, no close friend or family have died from COVID. That said, this pandemic is hard. In fact, it is exhausting. During the spring and summer…

How the STI epidemic can inform policy solutions for the COVID-19 pandemic

As the burden of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) plateaus into a perpetual state of public health emergency for 2020, examining the United States’ forgotten epidemic of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) offers insight to a COVID-19 solution. STIs…