Category: Kaiser Family Foundation

Medicare Part D Spending on Insulin Increased 840 Percent Between 2007 and 2017

Medicare Part D spending on insulin increased 840 percent between 2007 and 2017, far outpacing growth in the number of beneficiaries using insulin therapy, according to a new KFF analysis. The findings come at a time when the cost of prescription drugs…

How Much Does Medicare Spend on Insulin?

The price of insulin, used by people with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes to control blood glucose levels, has come under increasing scrutiny as policymakers grapple with rising drug costs. This data note finds spending on insulin by Medicare and benef…

How Much Does Medicare Spend on Insulin?

The price of insulin, used by people with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes to control blood glucose levels, has come under increasing scrutiny as policymakers grapple with rising drug costs. This data note finds spending on insulin by Medicare and benef…

Health System Dashboard

Newly updated and expanded, the Health System Dashboard compiles data on the U.S. health system’s performance in four categories: access and affordability, health and well being, health spending, and quality of care. Users can explore trends over time,…

The Winning Health Care Message Will Be About Out of Pocket Costs

Drew Altman analyzes health care messaging, concluding that its aimed mainly at activists in the base on both sides, and that the “The winning health care message will be about out of pocket costs,” in this Axios column.

The Winning Health Care Message Will Be About Out of Pocket Costs

Drew Altman analyzes health care messaging, concluding that its aimed mainly at activists in the base on both sides, and that the “The winning health care message will be about out of pocket costs,” in this Axios column.

Poll: Nearly 1 in 4 Americans Taking Prescription Drugs Say It’s Difficult to Afford Their Medicines, including Larger Shares Among Those with Health Issues, with Low Incomes and Nearing Medicare Age

Views of Medicare-for-All Hold Steady As the Trump Administration and Congress weigh policy options to address high prescription drug prices, a fourth of people taking prescription drugs (24%) and seniors taking drugs (23%) say it is difficult for them…

KFF Health Tracking Poll – February 2019: Prescription Drugs

With increased national attention towards prescription drug costs, this poll examines the public’s experiences with prescription medicine and their views on current policy proposals brought forth by congressional lawmakers and the Trump administration,…

Poll: Nearly 1 in 4 Americans Taking Prescription Drugs Say It’s Difficult to Afford Their Medicines, including Larger Shares Among Those with Health Issues, with Low Incomes and Nearing Medicare Age

Views of Medicare-for-All Hold Steady As the Trump Administration and Congress weigh policy options to address high prescription drug prices, a fourth of people taking prescription drugs (24%) and seniors taking drugs (23%) say it is difficult for them…

KFF Health Tracking Poll – February 2019: Prescription Drugs

With increased national attention towards prescription drug costs, this poll examines the public’s experiences with prescription medicine and their views on current policy proposals brought forth by congressional lawmakers and the Trump administration,…