Category: Kaiser Family Foundation

Premiums and Worker Contributions Among Workers Covered by Employer-Sponsored Coverage, 1999-2018

This graphing tool allows users to explore trends in workplace-sponsored health insurance premiums and worker contributions over time for different categories of employers based on results from the annual Employer Health Benefits Survey. Breakouts are…

Corporate health costs don’t look like a crisis

n this Axios column, Drew Altman presents a puzzle around corporate health costs: companies are talking like there is a crisis, but new data doesn’t really show it.

What Are Recent Trends and Characteristics of Workers with High Drug Spending?

This slideshow explores prescription drug spending for people who are covered by large employer health plans.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll – Late Summer 2018: The Election, Pre-Existing Conditions, and Surprises on Medical Bills

The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll continues to find pre-existing conditions as a widespread concern with most Americans saying it is very important that the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) protections for people with pre-existing conditions remain law…

Poll: The ACA’s Pre-Existing Condition Protections Remain Popular with the Public, including Republicans, As Legal Challenge Looms This Week

Public Not Confident in President Trump’s Calls on Drug Companies to Lower Prices As a federal court considers a challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s constitutionality, the public, including most Republicans, wants protections for people with pre-exi…

It’s Not Just the Uninsured — It’s Also the Cost of Health Care

The number of uninsured is down. Health spending has moderated. But health is on the public’s mind. Drew Altman helps explain why in this Axios column.

An analysis of out-of-network claims in large employer health plans

A new Kaiser Family Foundation brief examines out-of-network claims in large employer plans, and finds that a significant share of inpatient hospital admissions includes bills from out-of-network providers, often leaving patients exposed to “surp…

Analysis: For Patients with Large Employer Coverage, About 1 in 6 Hospital Stays Includes an Out-of-Network Bill

A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of medical bills from large employer plans finds that a significant share of inpatient hospital admissions includes bills from providers not in the health plan’s networks, generally leaving patients subject to hi…

5 Charts About Americans and Medical Bills

This slideshow draws on findings from the June 2018 Kaiser Family Foundation poll to provide an overview of the public’s experiences with medical bills, particularly for 18-64 year olds. Results include public’s problems with paying medical bills, impa…

Texans’ Experiences with Health Care Affordability and Access

Using data from the Kaiser Family Foundation/Episcopal Health Foundation 2018 Texas Health Policy Survey, this brief explores Texas residents’ experiences with health care affordability and access to care. It examines Texans’ difficulty affording healt…