Category: kotlikoffblog

Biden Needs To Call For A Manhattan Project For Rapid Home Testing Before The President Does

There is another path forward: daily rapid home testing based on new devices that could be quickly brought to market via a rapid home testing Manhattan Project. Only repeat, free testing of all Americans at their homes will let us find, capture, and ki…

A Manhattan Project To Capture And Kill COVID-19 With Rapid Home Testing

Diagnosing those who have the disease can help the infected and protect healthcare workers, but it’s a strategy for treating the sick, not saving the healthy. Real-time detection is the product of three testing features — accuracy, frequency, and speed…

Competitive Medicare For All — Its Time Has Come

There’s a huge demand for docs and nurses to treat the plague’s victims but there’s little political appetite for bailing out a system that delivers so little to so few for so much. A new American healthcare system will arise from the Covid-19 ashes….

Drs. Fauci & Birx: Here’s A Way To Contain Covid-19 And Reopen The Economy In As Little As One Month

Drs. Fauci and Birx, you are working tirelessly and heroically to fight Coronavirus. I and hundreds of millions of other Americans thank you for your efforts. If the President drags his feet on this as he’s done on most everything, resign and organize …