Category: Medications

A rush to judgment on acetaminophen?

Less than a year ago, a position paper/meta-analysis was published whose authors concluded that the pain reliever acetaminophen, and products containing this compound, were contraindicated in pregnancy as they could result in premature or stillborn bir…

Think twice before prescribing opioids as a first-line treatment for pain

Everyone knows the terrible toll the opioid epidemic takes on our society. It doesn’t matter where you live and how wealthy or educated you are, no one is immune. I watched as a colleague tried to help a child struggling with addiction, spending …

Integrated care is the key to optimizing cancer outcomes

The American Cancer Society released its annual report on cancer statistics, showing that we have made clear and significant progress in treating numerous forms of cancer. The overall rate of death has declined steadily since 1991, translating to over …

How to swallow a pill

You’ve been swallowing things your entire life: breast milk (or formula), food––maybe a marble or small Lego. But did you know that swallowing pills is different? Let’s start with how not to swallow a pill. Sorry, but Bruce Willis in all fi…

How drug prices are manipulated

I wondered whether to recommend Nuedexta for my elderly relative with worsening Alzheimer’s disease and daily spontaneous crying. Often she would deny feeling sad and couldn’t account for her sobbing.   Avanir Pharmaceuticals released Nuede…

A friendly battle with a patient’s potassium

“By God’s grace, Dr. Sal!” “Yes, T.J.! What’s the good news?” “Guess what Mr. Thompson’s potassium is now?” “3.1 …” “Wrong! 4.1!” We high-fived each other immediately and bre…

Antibodies are the future of cancer treatment [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “Since President Nixon declared war on cancer in 1971, and despite some great victories and many losses, there continues to be a never-ending battle in this long-fought war that seems…

How in silico drug development can improve patient outcomes [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “In silico technologies also enable drug developers to perform, in theory, an unlimited number of tests using a wide range of variables that include age, sex, and the health status of…

Management of acute postoperative pain reveals systemic flaws in health care policy

Medical care in the United States is broken. The pandemic contributed, but we were well along this misdirected journey. There is a pathological push/pull between financial pressures applied by payors and health care systems to decrease costs, thereby g…

Cancer of the future: diagnosis, treatment, and impact on the health care system and patients 

While cancer has been around for decades, the fight for survival and treatment options are still very top of mind. Treatment is simply playing catch up. We continue to try and get rid of the disease that has already infiltrated one’s body rather than c…