Category: Oncology/Hematology

Biosimilars have saved patients billions of dollars and are changing the treatment landscape. Here’s how.

This article is sponsored by Sandoz, a Novartis division, and global leader in generic pharmaceuticals and biosimilars. When I started working in the health care industry over 25 years ago, I was compelled by a passion to make a difference and improve …

The regret of leaving an old friend behind

I once knew a lady who eventually died from pancreatic cancer. She was in her early seventies at the time. Her name was Marilyn, and I went to grade school with her son Tom, so we had known each other for a long time. I was in my early thirties when th…

Can personalized medicine live up to its hype in health care?

The genius of Henry Ford was in his perfection of mass production. Ford’s assembly lines produced oodles of Model T, with economies of scale so that the cost of each car fell to the point that even those working in those lines could afford them. …

Improving cancer care through integrated care [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we will be discussing the role of health system specialty pharmacies in improving patient outcomes. Our guest, Chelsey Lindner, is a clinical pharmacist who will share her …

Cancer as a model of diversity: To be an ally, ask

I was brought to tears today, suddenly, unexpectedly, by the ringing of a bell. I had passed a small sign earlier, and I knew that the ringing signified the completion of someone’s chemotherapy. As I heard cheers, I thought how amazing this group…

Breast cancer surgery: Liking my doctor mitigates the feeling of violation

On waking up from anesthesia-induced unconsciousness, I was dressed in an unfamiliar pink surgical bra with multiple Velcro straps. As if I were a doll, someone had clothed my limp body without my knowledge, and I had no idea who. Even then, I had a va…

Caught in the middle: How health insurance companies influence cancer drug selection

Patients may find themselves caught in the middle between their health insurance company and their oncologist when it comes to selecting the drugs used to treat their cancer. Why is this? The American Cancer Society explains biologic drugs (derived fro…

Learn to earn end-of-life respect

Pele, the famous Brazilian soccer star, reportedly stopped medical treatment for colon cancer. Media outlets stated he was receiving various iterations of comfort, hospice, and palliative care which were perceived as criminal and disrespectful. His dau…

From cough to cancer: one woman’s determination to find answers and relief

My mom is putting garlic oil in her ears because her house cleaner told her it would help with her recent hearing loss. When I asked her why she was continuing to do this even after being assessed by two physicians, including an ear, nose, and throat s…

Which one is worse: cancer or loneliness? 

If my grandfather were alive, he would be the same age as Mr. Hendricks. Seventy-eight years old. That’s why when I first met him, he introduced himself as John, but I preferred to call him Mr. Hendricks. That’s how I was taught as one of t…