Category: Pediatrics

Moms are resilience personified

I first met her at the bedside of her newly born son Tyler. Barely hours after her caesarian section, this mother mustered enough strength to get on a wheelchair to visit her little human at the NICU. That was just the beginning of our journey together…

Moms are resilience personified

I first met her at the bedside of her newly born son Tyler. Barely hours after her caesarian section, this mother mustered enough strength to get on a wheelchair to visit her little human at the NICU. That was just the beginning of our journey together…

Racial inequality in medicine must end

May 25th, 2021, marked the first anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. George Floyd was a victim of racial injustice. Tragically, he is not the only Black person to die at the hands of U.S. police officers over these past few years. George Floyd&#…

Being a private practice pediatrician in a pandemic [PODCAST]

“The hospital systems ignored us by putting us lowest on the totem pole for the COVID vaccine.  The pharmaceutical companies overlooked the strains on us and increased our vaccine prices.  The medical supply companies took advantage of us by limi…

Being a pediatrician did not prepare me for parenting [PODCAST]

“I hope being a parent will now equip me to be a better pediatrician. I hope I can teach them whatever I know about safe sleeping, breastfeeding, and newborn care, but I also hope to acknowledge the reality and struggles of parenting. I hope my s…

Winning at parenting without losing yourself

An excerpt from The Working Mom Blueprint: Winning at Parenting Without Losing Yourself. My husband and I ordered a special celebratory dinner the night my first book was published. It was an important professional milestone for me, and I was proud of …

Winning at parenting without losing yourself

An excerpt from The Working Mom Blueprint: Winning at Parenting Without Losing Yourself. My husband and I ordered a special celebratory dinner the night my first book was published. It was an important professional milestone for me, and I was proud of …

Why crying in medicine has made me a stronger, not a weaker, physician

Balding, pale as a ghost, thin and frail, a protruding swollen abdomen. She walks in slowly and unsteady, with her family in tow, and is shown to her exam room. I am the medical student working that day with a surgical oncology attendant, a behemoth in…

Tenacity in children and the 7 instincts

An excerpt from Tenacity in Children: Nurturing the Seven Instincts for Lifetime Success. Did you ever wonder why babies quickly develop a social smile and look you in the eyes? Is it surprising to learn that the muscles in your ears are set within the…

Dying of loneliness: the COVID-19 epidemic in children and adolescents

We stood at the bedside.  Our eyes met through plastic goggles and face shields.  Wordlessly, we acknowledged a palpable shift.  We three pediatric emergency physicians staffed our New York City ER that late fall day, caring for the third teen in a row…