Category: Peterson-KFF

How does U.S. life expectancy compare to other countries?

The analysis finds that life expectancy in the U.S. fell by 2.7 years from 2019 to 2021, whereas in peer countries’ life expectancies fell by an average of just 0.2 years in this period. COVID-19 has erased two decades of life expectancy growth in the …

How does medical inflation compare to inflation in the rest of the economy?

Prices for medical services typically rise more quickly than the broader economy, but the reverse has been true recently as general inflation rose rapidly. This analysis finds that overall prices grew by 6% in February 2023 from the previous year, whil…

Cost of COVID-19 Hospital Admissions among People with Private Health Coverage

This analysis examines the cost of COVID-19 treatment for inpatient care among people with health coverage through large employers. It finds that in 2020, COVID-19 hospitalizations cost an average of $41,611, including an average out-of-pocket payment …

COVID-19 leading cause of death ranking

This updated analysis examines COVID-19’s effect on mortality rates, and estimates that in January 2022, COVID-19 was number two on the list of leading causes of death in the U.S.

What Impact Has the Coronavirus Pandemic Had on Health Care Employment?

This chart collection takes a deep dive into employment data to analyze how jobs and wages in the health sector shrank and recovered since the coronavirus pandemic struck in early 2020.

Overall inflation has not yet flowed through to the health sector

Prices for medical services typically rise more quickly than the broader economy, but the reverse has been true recently as general inflation rose rapidly. The recent trend reflects the unusually high inflation affecting other parts of the economy, whi…

How much is health spending expected to grow?

This chart collection explores how health spending is expected to grow in coming years, based on National Health Expenditure projections from federal actuaries.

How much is health spending expected to grow?

This chart collection explores how health spending is expected to grow in coming years, based on National Health Expenditure projections from federal actuaries.

ACA’s Maximum Out-of-Pocket Limit Is Growing Faster Than Wages

This analysis finds that the ACA’s maximum out-of-pocket limit is likely to grow faster than wages and salaries, and is also expected to grow faster than the maximum out-of-pocket limit for Health Savings Account (HSA)-qualified health plans.

An Early Look at What is Driving Health Costs in 2023 ACA Markets

This analysis of marketplace insurers’ early rate filings in 13 states and the District of Columbia finds that they are seeking higher premium increases than in recent years, largely due to rising prices paid to hospitals, doctors and drug companies an…