Category: Peterson-KFF

How Might Internet Connectivity Affect Health Care Access?

A new chart collection looks at how internet access may affect health care in the U.S., as more providers turn to telemedicine during the pandemic. An estimated 25 million Americans – about 8% of the population – lack access to internet at …

How Costly Are Common Health Services in the United States?

A new chart collection examines what we know about the cost of common health services in the U.S. The analysis shows that costs for many common health services have risen more rapidly than inflation; for example, the average cost of hospital admission …

Analysis: COVID-19 Ranks as a Top 3 Leading Cause of Death in the U.S., Higher than in Almost All Other Peer Countries

A new KFF analysis examines leading causes of death and mortality rates in the United States and comparable countries. The U.S. has a higher COVID-19 mortality rate than many of its peer countries, with COVID-19 ranking as the nation’s third-leading ca…

The Pandemic’s Effect on the Widening Gap in Mortality Rate between the U.S. and Peer Countries

A new KFF brief looks at where COVID-19 falls as a leading cause of death in the U.S. compared to similarly large and wealthy countries. The analysis finds that COVID-19 mortality rates are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., a ranking shared…

The Cost of Inpatient and Outpatient Care Drives High Health Spending in the U.S. Relative to Other Countries, New Analysis Finds

A new KFF issue brief compares the main drivers of health spending in the United States and other large, wealthy countries, and finds that the cost of inpatient and outpatient care – much more so than prescription drugs or administrative costs – drives…

What Do We Know About Spending Related to Public Health in the U.S. and Comparable Countries?

A new chart collection examines what we know about public health spending in the U.S. and comparable countries. The chart collection explores high-level trends in spending on public health and prevention in the U.S., and finds that while the U.S. spend…

What Do We Know About People with High Out-of-Pocket Spending?

Based on an analysis of claims data, this slideshow examines overall trends, gender and age of high out-of-pocket spenders in large employer health plans, as well as differences in out-of-pocket health expenditures across diseases.

Who is Most Likely to Have High Prescription Drug Costs?

This slideshow explores prescription drug spending for people who are covered by large employer health plans.

What Drives Health Spending in the U.S. Compared to Other Countries

A new issue brief looks at the drivers of health spending in the U.S., and key differences between the U.S. and other large, wealthy nations. The analysis finds that the cost of inpatient and outpatient care (which encompasses primary care, services at…

Cost-Sharing Waivers and Premium Relief by Private Plans in Response to COVID-19 (Nov. 2020 Update)

An updated issue brief estimates the number of enrollees in individual and fully-insured group market plans that have waived cost-sharing – out-of-pocket costs including coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles – for COVID-19 treatment. The analysis al…