Unlike other major U.S airlines, Delta Airlines has continued to block out middle seats to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. However, Delta will end this policy on May 1.
There are, surprise, surprise, conspiracy theories circulating about Ivanka Trump’s Twitter and Instagram posts. But will her getting the vaccine convince Trump supporters to do so as well?
Income inequality kills. As demonstrated by an important study comparing health in the US and UK: 1. People with low incomes had significantly more health problems than those with high incomes. 2. Differences in health across income was significantly g…
But, shouldn’t the same scrutiny around pricing that has been given to the innovative drug companies also be applied to the healthcare systems giving the shots?
UnitedHealth Group’s membership grew by more than 1 million in its health plans buoyed by a large increase in seniors signing up for privatized Medicare Advantage.
Data suggests that many Americans remain reluctant to sign up for the shot (or two) that promises a return to life as we used to know it. We need to broaden the influencers to appeal to group affiliations and consider unorthodox incentives based upon …
If there was a silver lining in the Covid-19 pandemic, it was the response of the biopharmaceutical industry in generating multiple new vaccines with unprecedented speed – vaccines that promise to bring a sense of normalcy to the world.