The report from the office of Richard Burr (R-NC) claimed that “the COVID-19 pandemic was, more likely than not, the result of a research-related incident.” But what evidence did the report actually provide?
Robert Malone, MD, MSc, who’s made a lot of questionable Covid-19 vaccine claims during the pandemic, asserted that people are being coerced to get the annual flu vaccine in order to “maintain warm base manufacturing in case something like 1918 ever ha…
Welcome to the convoluted world of U.S. healthcare. In the height of the pandemic, the government negotiated directly with the drug companies – no list price/net price worries, no middlemen – and everyone could get vaccinated for free. Now we are back …
To achieve excellence in healthcare, leaders must be able to change people’s minds, generate emotion and maintain courage in the face of adversity. Putting the anatomic pieces together, success will be determined by how leaders use their brains, hearts…
Hospitalizations due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections, influenza, and other respiratory illnesses are already pushing children’s hospitals to capacity in different parts of the U.S.