Category: Policy

Joint Fight Against Cancer Can Help Re-Energize U.S.-China Ties, Kevin Rudd Says

“If we get this one right on cancer, it’s going to add this whole new positive dynamic to the overall framework of the U.S.-China relationship, the Asia Society CEO told an online symposium.

A theological answer to our health care crisis

With the Christmas holiday rapidly approaching, it has me thinking about what the family of faith should think about health care in America. As a physician, I’ve spent over a decade of my life trying to use my faith in science and evidence to inf…

Medical “Advantage” for my indigent patients

Despite the aggressive marketing, Medicare Advantage plans offer little benefit for poor and vulnerable patients. Consider my patient C, who was in pain from her knee arthritis. She was often in pain, but now her new pain medication helped her less tha…

Don’t blame Big Pharma for insulin’s problems

For diabetics, insulin matters as much as H2O. Unfortunately, insulin’s a hell of a lot more expensive than bottled water. High insulin prices force approximately nine million Americans to balance their wallet and well-being. The American Action …

Migrants need and deserve access to healthy lives in the U.S.

Anti-immigrant rhetoric was at an all-time high during the midterm election season, and now as the 2024 presidential election gathers momentum, it is urgent to note how it fosters violence against immigrant communities and creates a chilling effect. Te…

It’s Time To Get Rid Of The CDC As We Know It

Here’s how to drastically and positively reform the CDC, a lethally troubled agency.

How A Rock Star, A Physician-Legislator, And An Evangelical Senator Bonded To Help End The Global AIDS Pandemic: A Backstory

PEPFAR changed the course of history by turning the tide on the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. Bono and Republican Senators Frist and Helms came together to help make this once-in-a-lifetime legislation become law.

A New Plan Brings Clarity To Healthcare Price Transparency–Finally

By fostering competition, price transparency has delivered higher quality, lower prices, and better value in just about every sector of our economy. Health care has been an exception for decades—thanks largely to government policies.

Political creep: government intrusion in health care

The American Medical Association (AMA) would have you believe that the biggest threat to the medical profession is “scope creep” – the intrusion of advanced practice providers into medical practice. The way I see it, this is no big deal; th…

It is time that medical societies acknowledge that pro-life views are legitimate

The recent Dobbs decision has led to strong reactions from many major medical associations arguing that limiting abortion options will significantly harm women with unexpected pregnancies. This needs to be acknowledged, and the desire to do what is bes…