Category: Policy

It is time for Supreme Court to help stem gun deaths

Every morning when I turn on the local Philadelphia TV news to hear the weather report, I also hear about the shootings that have occurred. This morning I heard that a 66-year-old man was shot while driving past his old high school. A fight had broken …

The blueprint for a Gold Medal Health Care System

An excerpt from Blueprint for a Gold Medal Health Care System. We do not currently have a Gold Medal Health Care System. There may be more than one way to build one, but this book is about my vision of a Gold Medal system, and I will henceforth refer t…

Why Biden’s Tobacco-Tax-Hike Scheme Is A Big Mistake

The Democrats’ proposal to sharply raise tobacco taxes should go up in smoke.

Why private equity is a dangerous employer

About 4 months after emergency medicine physician Jessica (a pseudonym used out of fear of retaliation from her employer) joined a Michigan hospital in 2014, the department’s staffing group was bought out by TeamHealth, a staffing firm backed by …

The success of Australian firearms regulation: What it could mean for children

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2018 noted the sad milestone that firearms were causing 15% of all deaths in children and adolescents. Somewhat encouraging, a later study showed states with stricter firearm laws correlated with low…

Systemic racism and Indigenous deaths in health care

Ni cta ni akohikon: That hurts me. Carol pe ntamici: Carol, come see me. Ni taci sa micta mackikikatakoiin: They are overdosing me on drugs. Wipatc tca: Do it quickly. Those were the chilling words of Joyce Echaquan, broadcasting live from Facebook on …

Expanding health care access and equity through telehealth

The COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) has been an amplifier and catalyst for numerous issues. The pandemic has impacted health care delivery significantly, and inequities for the Black community are more apparent. Federal and state rules for teleh…

This doctor will be running for the legislature in the future

You don’t know who I am yet, but you will in the future. I haven’t decided yet if I will run for the House, Senate, or the U.S. Congress. If you are a health care professional, whether it be a doctor able to change medicine, nurses, respira…

Democrats’ Drug Pricing Reforms Aren’t What They Seem

What Democrats are proposing is a sweeping system of price controls. Evidence from abroad demonstrates that such schemes are certain to restrict access to new medicines, particularly for those who are older, living with disabilities, or fighting seriou…

Medical debt is the enemy of everyone

An excerpt from End Medical Debt: Curing America’s $1 Trillion Unpayable Healthcare Debt. Medical debt is the mortal enemy of the patient, the physician, the hospital, the community, the state, and the nation. When we think of others’ debts, we tend to…