On September 1st, 2021, Texas Senate Bill 8 went into effect. While the law’s stated goal is to severely limit a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion in Texas, it also designates private citizens to sue not just abortion providers, but an…
During these solemn high holy days of repentance and reckoning, millions of Jews around the world beseech God to stop COVID-19 from spreading and ending lives. Although it can be soothing and reassuring to believe that the universe is governed by a su…
But adding dental coverage to traditional Medicare is imprudent and unnecessary. In the long run, it could even reduce seniors’ ability to access quality dental care
The 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, was marked by the loved ones of victims and first responders in memorial events in New York, the capital area and rural Pennsylvania at the places where coordinated attackers crashed …
As third-year medical students, we recently stepped out of the classroom and onto the wards, eager to provide the quality care we had been working towards for the better part of the last decade. We were, however, quickly met with a stark reminder of ho…
Americans are dying in ICUs in far greater numbers than would otherwise be if not for a newly misapplied 57-year-old rule banning the only American board-certified ICU doctors available in many cities from providing critical care, leaving only nurses t…
Dr. Matt Binnicker, an expert in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, explains why testing for both Covid-19 and influenza will be important as we head into the winter months.
Traditional referral intake systems haven’t changed significantly in the past 30 years. Rather, they are still based on paper and fax referrals that often get lost in the shuffle of busy days and patient care needs. This reliance on old-school methods …