Category: KevinMD

Physician burnout is as much a legal problem as it is a medical one

A career as a physician has traditionally been considered to be among the best vocations that talented students can pursue. That may no longer be the case. All too many doctors report that they are unhappy, frustrated, and even prepared to leave the pr…

Physician burnout is as much a legal problem as it is a medical one

A career as a physician has traditionally been considered to be among the best vocations that talented students can pursue. That may no longer be the case. All too many doctors report that they are unhappy, frustrated, and even prepared to leave the pr…

Are the concerns about consumer genetic tests overblown?

When the Human Genome Project began in 1990, bioethicists feared that giving people the results of genetic tests would do them a lot more harm than good. Experts feared that individuals who received genetic information about their future health status …

Has your doctor asked you about climate change?

When Michael Howard arrived for a checkup with his lung specialist, he was worried about how his body would cope with the heat and humidity of a Boston summer. “I lived in Florida for 14 years, and I moved back because the humidity was just too much,” …

How to prevent patients from falling through the cracks

Falling through the cracks, when it comes to health care, is a bad thing, but the way things are going, it’s getting harder and harder to avoid. Providers in every setting are bombarded on all sides with data, results, messages, and things crying…

Think of diagnostic excellence as playing smooth jazz

When we think about clinical reasoning, most talks focus on diagnostic errors and the reasons for those errors. The legacy of Kahneman and Tversky focuses on errors and the many named mistakes we make. We focus on avoiding errors, but their work and to…

My residency spending plan: a new way to think about budgeting

As a young professional with many competing expenses, it is paramount for me to prioritize my spending. However, adhering to a strict budget can seem a bit daunting and restrictive. To get over this anxiety, I started out with a spending plan that mirr…

The calm before the hospital

I’m in the back of an ambulance rig driving 110 miles an hour down the highway with the lights and sirens blaring.   The knuckles of my right hand are crushed every four minutes as my patient has contractions.  She cries only a bit.  She’s sixteen and …

UpToDate? Information my cardiologists didn’t have.

I’ve always felt lucky and relieved when a cardiologist told me I seemed to be fine despite my heart condition. My condition, referred to as congenital, complete AV block, is estimated to affect between 1 in 15,000 to 22,000 live-born infants. Th…

A critical discussion is needed about planned death

“Planned death.” When you put it like that, this can only mean one of two things: suicide or murder. For most of us in medicine, the very idea of “planned death” seems safely outside our purview. After all, the bulk of medicine is concerned with stavin…