Category: KevinMD

In our health system, who “owns” patients?

A guest column by the American College of Physicians, exclusive to When talking with patients – particularly those with multiple, complicated medical issues – it often doesn’t take very long to hear about their increasingly sub…

PTSD changed how this physician cared for pregnant women

Appointments with my doctor make me nervous. That’s highly ironic, because I’m a doctor, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist who regularly deals with high-risk pregnancies. But ever since developing preeclampsia during my first pregnancy eight years a…

Bringing hospitality back to the hospital: lessons from a bartender

It was a beautiful day in southern California as I made my way along Interstate 5 en route to San Diego from Los Angeles. Seeking a venue near the ocean to get some work done on my computer and maybe a snack with my iced tea, I turned off the interstat…

The 9 types of manipulative patients

One of the more common complaints that I hear from medical practitioners in jails and prisons (especially new practitioners) is, “These manipulative patients are driving me crazy!” Well, to be honest, I ran into a lot of manipulative patien…

3 steps to reconnect to who you are behind the white coat

A doctor’s life is a life of service to others. In today’s medical arena that service goes beyond patient care.  As early as residency training, doctors have to learn how to navigate their workflow and the energy of nurses and other team members involv…

How depression made this doctor a better physician

Residing in all of us, whether or not we feel it, is an innate zest for life. As a family medicine resident, I live with enthusiasm daily, because I am happy seeing patients, no matter my rotation. From the acute care wards to the family medicine clini…

Burnout prevention should be taught in residency

I was not at all prepared for my transition from being a resident to an attending. Now that there are work hour restrictions and constant oversight during training, graduating residents seldom get a preview of what it feels like to be at the top of the…

When physician pay packages become hospital kickbacks

For a hospital that had once labored to break even, Wheeling Hospital displayed abnormally deep pockets when recruiting doctors. To lure Dr. Adam Tune, an anesthesiologist from nearby Pittsburgh who specialized in pain management, the Catholic hospital…

It is time to consider the health of health care workers

As health care workers, we spend most days in hospitals, clinics, ambulances, and the like — places that are concrete containers for pain and human suffering. And we are bound to be affected by what we see, even if it isn’t apparent. Most people …

Would you trust Alexa with your patient data?

Amazon has opened a new health care frontier: Now Alexa can be used to transmit patient data. Using this new feature — which Amazon labeled as a “skill” — a company named Livongo will allow diabetes patients — which it calls “members” — to use the devi…