Category: KevinMD

Watching clot-busting drugs work is science in action

There is no better place to watch science in action than in the world of medicine. It was discovered in the 1930s that blood, in the presence of a certain streptococcus bacteria, did not clot. The agent formed by the bacteria was isolated and eventuall…

It’s time to change the face of lung cancer

“Please don’t tell my family,” Mary (identifying information changed) immediately asked me after I disclosed the results of her lymph node biopsy and diagnosis of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. At the time, I was a first-year oncology fel…

It’s time to change the face of lung cancer

“Please don’t tell my family,” Mary (identifying information changed) immediately asked me after I disclosed the results of her lymph node biopsy and diagnosis of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. At the time, I was a first-year oncology fel…

An image that reminds us what life versus death looks like

This is what life versus death looks like. This is what medicine verses mortality looks like. This is what science verses humanity looks like. After a thoracotomy, a fellow ER doctor Dr. Mitch Li snapped this picture of the spilled blood and Propofol o…

Carefully consider every aspect of the integration of AI into health care

AI, artificial intelligence, is all the rage right now in medical news media. And this has many practicing physicians, even medical students, concerned. Will AI make diagnose heavy specialties such as dermatology and radiology obsolete? Can AI give ris…

Diagnosing autism: many nations, one world

I pause for a moment and close my eyes — to center myself in this country, where I am today.   I am about to walk through the door and tell the parents what my assessment has shown. I nod to the interpreter waiting behind me and knock firmly befo…

How social media can help or hurt your health care career

This article is sponsored by Careers by We live in a time when social media isn’t just about sharing pictures or ideas with a close circle of friends and family. Between our Facebook statuses, our Twitter profiles and especially our Linked…

Physician keynotes at TexMed 2019 and the 2019 ASPR Annual Conference

Physician Speaking by KevinMD is the only physician-run, all-physician boutique speakers bureau in existence. We are practicing physicians who are as comfortable on stage as we are in the hospital, clinic, or operating room. We have the credibility to …

MKSAP: 49-year-old woman with worsening joint symptoms

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 49-year-old woman is evaluated for recently worsening joint symptoms. She has a 13-year history of Crohn disease characterized by four to s…

Knowing how artificial intelligence works empowers clinicians to be at the forefront of using it

Physicians and other health care professionals are uniquely suited to understand artificial intelligence. They’ve studied or routinely use mathematics, data analysis, and algorithms. They comprehend pattern recognition, decision trees, rules-base…