Category: KevinMD

Why aren’t you treating opioid addiction?

Our community had one of “those” providers — a midlevel who was the local pain person. If you had pain, go to her. She would write you for anything you could want and more. It’s unclear if she was unscrupulous or just inept. But last year, the DEA fina…

Want to create a review course? Here’s how this physician did it.

When I told my colleagues that I was going to try to create the first psychiatry review course at the University of Toronto, I received the same two responses: “It’s about time somebody did that!” and “What is wrong with you?&#8…

Nurses are striking. Where are the physicians?

The U.S. health care “system” is completely and utterly broken. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. system ranks 37th in the world, all while spending dramatically more on health care than other wealthy countries. Ten…

MKSAP: 53-year-old man with recurrent gout attacks

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 53-year-old man is evaluated for a 5-year history of recurrent gout attacks involving the base of the great toes, mid feet, and ankles. Epi…

The systemic poverty in Navajo Nation is a national travesty

“I have the CPAP machine. I’ve had it for a year, but I don’t have electricity in my house. I stayed with my aunt who has electricity but things didn’t work out,” said the young Navajo man, his massive belly protruding out…

If your child is ever prescribed an opioid, read this post first

What if I told you that your adolescent child could contract a disease that can never be cured, but only maintained? That it would be a lifelong struggle that could change their personality, compromise their potential and values, destroy their relation…

A new approach to medical student debt

As a medical student, I’m no stranger to being stressed out. From passing board exams, to impressing my attendings on the wards, to matching into the best residency, there are plenty of things for me to worry about. But although these concerns are the …

Should physicians lie when asked these questions?

Dear colleagues, I know you have seen these questions: Do you currently have any physical or mental impairment that could limit your clinical practice? Are you currently taking any medication? Have you ever been hospitalized for any reason? Have you ev…

It’s time we approach heart failure like cancer

“I’m sorry, Mr. Smith. Your heart is very sick, and your body has irreversible damage. It’s too dangerous to attempt a transplant or implant a heart pump. There’s nothing more we can do.” I’ve encountered this scenario more often than I care to admit a…

A relic to help forever remember tragedy

“Relic” – an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest. Relic derives from the Latin “reliquiae,” meaning remains and a form of the Latin verb relinquere, to leave behind o…