Category: KevinMD

In a single-payer system, who will be doing the rationing?

One of the arguments made against adopting single-payer health care in this country is that it would “lead to rationing.” This assumes that we lucky people in the U.S. have unlimited access to whatever health care we need and are at risk of losing it. …

Avoid the stigma: money advice for young doctors

Whenever I discuss matters of money and business with medical students and residents, I‘m surprised by the responses: “Zilch, nothing,” or “Are you kidding?”  Sadly, our doctors-in-training still receive little to no education in this arena. There’s a …

Medicare for all doesn’t look like single payer in the rest of the world

Recent polls show a majority of Americans support Medicare for all, but few seem to realize that no other system in the world operates like the current single payer proposals in Congress. Recently, I addressed the concept of single-payer health care, w…

Time for grieving is a necessity for medical trainees

It was hour thirty, and I was still at the hospital. My shift had technically ended two hours ago, but I was emotionally invested in this patient She was dying. I didn’t want to leave because I was so worried that she would pass the moment I stepped ou…

It’s time to teach the elderly about computer safety

Medicare wants doctors to get patients on their computers. Doctors are required to set up computer portals to communicate with patients. These portals use two-factor identification and presume substantial computer literacy from patients in their late 7…

Success in medicine does not equate to a successful life

I sat across the table from my physician client and listened to her story. She asks, “How can it be that after four years of medical school and three years of residency training in my chosen field I feel so disillusioned and disconnected?” Instea…

Chronicles of a resident’s life

I love working but detest taking exams. Since life only gives you more of what you try to run away from, on a Friday morning, I had to present a patient in front of my colleagues and attendings in our weekly clinical grand rounds. After that, I had to …

How to manage narcissistic doctors

Anyone can exhibit narcissism or narcissistic personality traits or types from time to time in different forms from mild to severe. When doctors are under stress, they can “act out,” or their behavior can worsen. Greater awareness of damaging behaviors…

How to manage narcissistic doctors

Anyone can exhibit narcissism or narcissistic personality traits or types from time to time in different forms from mild to severe. When doctors are under stress, they can “act out,” or their behavior can worsen. Greater awareness of damaging behaviors…

What do organized crime and health care have in common?

During college and medical school, my summer employment acquainted me with members of organized crime families. Now, reflecting on my full career as a primary care clinician, geriatrician, and researcher on health care delivery improvement, I have disc…