Category: KevinMD

It’s important to keep tight controls on benzodiazepines

When I completed my residency training in 2017 I never imagined so much of my clinical efforts would be directed towards educating patients about controlled substances. As I stepped into clinical practice and took over patients who had long-term relati…

Change the approach to triage to alleviate ER overcrowding

“Triage” is French for “to sort.” It developed as a concept on the battlefield as a way to address injured soldiers and ensure that care was provided to those most in need. In the emergency department, triage is usually the responsibility of a trained,…

A physician’s first 100 days on Twitter

Since finishing my medical training recently, many of my friends have embraced their newfound freedom as attendings in traditional ways: reviving long-neglected hobbies, finally exercising regularly, enjoying more time with loved ones. Me? I joined Twi…

Tucked in: an image that gives a sense of peace

I need to see Justin before my workday commences. I’m a social worker at the outpatient cancer center where Justin has been treated for an aggressive colon cancer. Seeing him today means visiting him in the hospital, up the road from the center. …

Chocolate for coughs? Look beyond the headlines.

Everyone loves chocolate, and nobody likes to cough. So when headlines like these appeared, they made a big media splash: Apparently Chocolate Might Be Better for Treating Coughs than Honey and Lemon. Chocolate Fights Coughs Better Than Codeine, Says S…

Was she a doctor? Or was she a hack?

Separating fact from fiction had once been her favorite activity. Going over research with a fine-toothed comb, she caught the inaccuracies that riddled popular culture like unruly strands of hair. It came down to this simple algorithm: there were thin…

As a cardiologist, I’m concerned that California isn’t very heart healthy

California is often perceived as a state where healthy habits abound — with a yoga studio on every block and kale salads on every plate. Unfortunately, I know in my daily practice as a cardiologist that this is far from the truth and that diseases due …

A medical student’s reflection on burnout

From the moment we begin medical school, we strive to achieve the best we can. That ranges from getting good grades to filling our CV with community work and research experience. With the increasing competitiveness of residency programs, this can be ag…

What are the top non-clinical physician jobs and salaries?

This article is sponsored by Careers by When considering a career in the medical field, many people only think of physicians and nurses who work in clinics, give shots, and diagnose patients. However, there’s a wealth of other career…

MKSAP: 62-year-old woman with a sun allergy

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 62-year-old woman is evaluated for a “sun allergy,” manifesting as a rash on her scalp, eyelids, upper back, and knuckles. This started 2 y…