Category: KevinMD

The majority of physicians will never experience the vast upper echelons of wealth

Necessity is the mother of invention. If you need something badly enough, you are more likely to find a way to obtain it. This proverb clearly rings true in all aspects of life. The key is really knowing how badly we need it. I knew someone who wanted to become a dermatologist. After several additional […]

The phone calls physicians make in the middle of the night

I don’t miss making the phone calls in the middle of the night. “Hi, this is Dr. Yang calling from the psychiatric emergency service. May I speak to Mr. or Mrs. Doe?” “Yeah, this is Mr. Doe,” he’d reply, his voice thick and slow with sleep. “I’m sorry to call so late. Your son is […]

The British are unafraid to talk about rationing. That’s something to admire.

I am a huge fan of Britain’s National Health Service (NHS), but probably not for the reasons many people might assume. It’s not because it’s “socialist” (a horribly inaccurate description), or that it’s nationalized, or anything like that. I’m a huge fan because somehow the people of Britain have developed the courage to talk about […]

Don’t watch too much financial news

There’s a lot of financial information out there. Some of it is helpful, and some of it is unhelpful. I’m sure many of you take notice when the Dow Jones falls 1,000 points in two days. And even if you don’t usually follow the stock market on a daily basis, when the stock market is […]

We can do a better job with hospital discharge paperwork

The discharge process has now been recognized as one of the most crucial points at which the actions of doctors and hospitals can have a huge impact on immediate health outcomes for our patients. At a time when 30-day readmission rates are still touching almost 20 percent for Medicare patients (higher for certain patients, with […]

Prostate cancer screening campaigns are giving men the finger

Fifty years ago, in a golden moment of television comedy shows, Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In program regularly featured “The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate” award.  Wikipedia says it “recognized actual dubious achievements by public individuals or institutions.” Do a Google search.  You’ll quickly see how popular this award became. Yes, I’m dating myself by going […]

The financial independence wild goose chase

I was sitting across from a new acquaintance at the CampFI Midwest and he was telling me about his next budding venture.  He had a brilliant business plan.  An idea which no one had capitalized on before.  He was in the middle of gathering investors and beginning the long process of due diligence.  I probed further.  I am […]

A new physician experiences the opioid crisis

Seven years ago, I officially became a doctor. After years of hard work, sacrifice and insecurity, I finished my residency and passed my board certification exam in internal medicine. I was a fourth generation internist in my family and was so eager to begin my career in a new city with my fiancé. My first […]

I’m not your nurse. I’m your doctor.

It’s 8:00 p.m., and it’s hour 14 in my 28-hour call shift at the large suburban hospital where I’m an intern. You demand to speak with a doctor now, right now. You cannot wait. Your mother is sick, and you want to know exactly what is going on. It doesn’t matter that we already spoke […]

Why physicians should embrace failure

Failure is a guarantee. “Success” assumes that certain metrics have been set and that the words used to describe those metrics are understood in the exact same way by all parties involved. One patient with parotid cancer and given facial paralysis after surgery was thrilled to be alive. Another is furious about a widened scar. […]